Тавасарова А. А

Conjugating the Past Continuous Tense (Созылыңқы өткен шақтың жіктелуі) [was /were + V1 + ing (Present Participle)]

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Conjugating the Past Continuous Tense (Созылыңқы өткен шақтың жіктелуі) [was /were + V1 + ing (Present Participle)]

Singular (Жекеше)

Plural (Көпше)

Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлем)


was working


were working


were working


were working


was working


were working


was working


was working

Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлем)


was not working


were not working


were not working


were not working


was not working


were not working


was not working


was not working

Interrogative sentences (Сұраулы сөйлем)


1 working?


we working?


you working?


you working?


he working?


they working?


she working?


it working?

Interroqative-neqative sentences (Сұраулы-болымсыз сөйлем)


1 not working?


we not working?


you not working?


you not working?


he not working?


they not working?


she not working?


it not working?

Shortened forms

1 was not working You were not working

1 wasn't working You weren't working

1.Underline the correct form.


aWhile he took/ was taking a bath, Archimedes discovered/ was discovering the principles of density and buoyancy.

bWhen EdouardBenedictus, a Fresh scientist, worked/ was working in his laboratory, he dropped/ was dropping a glass bottle had some plastic inside= and invented / was inventing safety glass.

  1. Columbusarrived/ was arriving in America while he tried/ was trying to reach the Far East.

  2. Alexander Fleming discovered/ was discovering penicillin by accident while he

looked/was looking at some old experiments.

eWhile Hiram Bingham climbed/ was climbing in the mountains of Peru in 1911, he discovered/ was discovering the lost city of Macchu Picchu.

fWhile Isaac Newton sat/ was sitting under an apple tree fell/ was falling on his head, and he understood/ was understanding gravity.

gWhile Dr Harry Coovertried/ was trying to invent a new kind of plastic, he made/ was making a very soft substance which stuck/ was sticking things together. It was Superglue.

hWhile he observed / was observing the Moon through his telescope, Galileo

realized / was realizing that it had mountains and craters.

2A Use the prompts to make a question.

Where/ EdouardBenedictus/ work when he invented safety glass? Where was EdouardBenedictus working when he invented safety glass? aWhere / Columbus / try to go when he reached America?

…………………………………………………………………………………? bWhere / Isaac Newton / sit according to the story about gravity?

…………………………………………………………………………………? cWhat / Dr Harry Coover / hope to invent?

………………………………………………………………………………..? dWhat Galileo / look at/ through his telescope?


2B Complete the sentence with the past continuous form of the verb in brackets.

EdouardBenedictus (not try)………………………………………………………

………………………………………to invent safety glass.

Alexander Fleming (not hope)……………………………………………………..

………………………………………….to discover penicillin.

Hiram Bingham (not look for)………………………………………………………

……………………………….the lost city of Macchu Picchu.

Isaac Newton (not sit)………………………………………………………………

…………………………….in his study when he understood gravity.

Dr Harry Coover (not conduct)……………………………………………………..

…………………………an experiment to discover a kind of glue.

3.Complete the sentence with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets.

Alexander the Great

  1. While he (grow up) was growing up , the philosopher Aristotle was his teacher.Alexander (become)…………………… interested in science, medicine, philosophy and literature.

  2. While his father Philip (attend)…………………….. his daughter’s wedding, a young nobleman (murder) ……………………………….him. Alexander was king of Macedonia at the age of 20.

  3. While he (fight)………………………………. His enemies in the north, the Greeks in the south (start)………………….. arebellion. He (destroy) …………….

…………..all their cities.

  1. He (lead) ………………………his army against the Persian Empire through what is now Turkey. While he (stay) …………………………… in the ancient city of Gordium, he (undo) ………………………………………the Gordian knot. A legend said that only a future king of Asia could do this.

  2. While his army (march)…………………………….though Persia, it (defeat)

……………………… Darius, the king of Persia.

  1. He (found) ………………………the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the Nile while he (visit) ……………………..Egypt.

  2. While he (travel) ………………………with his army, he (give)

………………… his name to many other towns.

h He (kill) …………………………….his friend Clitus in a quarrel, while they (have) ……………………..dinner.

iWhile he (attack) ……………………………… the city of Mali in India, he (receive)………………………. a serious wound from an arrow.

j While he (attend)……………………… a banquet in Babylon in 323 BC, he (fall) ……………………………… ill and (die)………………………………..

  1. Complete the sentence with used to + a verb from the list.

Write spend work hold help act teach set tell do

  1. Charles Dickens, the novelist, used to write until early in the morning, and then go for long walks across London.

  2. William Shakespeare …………………….. in some of his own plays.

  3. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant …………………. Exactly the same things at the same time every day, so that people ……………….their watches by his actions.

  4. The author AgatarChrister ……………………. her second husband with his archaeological excavations.

  5. The novelist James Joyce …………………………. English in the Italian city of Trieste, and some people say that he …………………………… his student the wrong meanings of words as a joke.

  1. Complete the sentence with used to+ the verb in brackets in positive, negative or question form.

aWhat thing (be) used to bedifferent in the past?

bFor a start, all continents (form ) …………………… one large land mass. cObviously , there (be) ……………… cities and buildings, and forest covered a third of the Earth.

dThe climate was different, and animals such as the hippopotamus and rhinoceros (exit) …………………in northern Europe.

eMany mountains in Europe (be) …………………………..active volcanoes. fEarly people (live) ……………………..in complex societies, but in small group in places where they could find food

gWhat (eat)……………………? They (eat)………………………whatever they could find.

h Early people (stay) …………………………… in the sane place, but (travel)

……………….long distances, following the animals they needed for food.
6 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

The Vikings in America

According to Viking records, around the year 1000, while some Viking sailors (look for) were looking for the coast of Greenland, they (reach) ………………

The eastern coast of America. While they (live) …………….. there, they (try)

…….…………… to trade with the local Native Americans, known by the Vikings as Skraelings, but in the end the Native Americans (fight)…………………………. them and (drive)…………………. them out. After several attempts to return, the Vikings (give up) ………………………. In 1968, while some archaeologists (work) ………………… in Newfoundland, they (discover) ……………………… the remains of one of the Viking settlements, and (prove)…………………………. That this story was true.

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