Тавасарова А. А

З.Тһе Zero Articles with Miscellaneous Proper Names

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З.Тһе Zero Articles with Miscellaneous Proper Names

(Əр түрлі жалқы есімдердің алдында қолданылмауы)

Articles are not used (Қолданылмайтынкездері)

Examples (Мысалдар)

1 Names of streets (a), parks (b). and squares (c) tend to be used without any article (Көше, парк, саябақ атауларының алдында)

a) Oxford Street. Wall Street, Abai Street, etc.; b)Hyde Park, Central Park, Panfilov Park, etc.; c)Trafalgar Square. Russel Square. Hyde Park Corner, etc.;

2 Names of universities and colleges (Оқу орындарының: (академия, университет,, институт, колледж, т.б. атауының алдында)

London University, Oxford University. Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World languages, Kazakh-American University, Almaty Institute of Language and Translation, etc.

3. Names of airports and railway stations (Əуежай жəне темір жол станция атауының алдында)

London Airport, Moscow Airport, Astana Airport, Victoria Station, etc.

4. Names of separate buildings (Үй, ғимараттардың аттарының алдында)

Scotland Yard, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, etc.

5. Names of months (a) and the days of the week (b), holidays (c)

(Ай, апта жəне мерекелік күндердің аттарының алдында)

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Nauryz, Christmas, New Year, etc

6. Names of languages and sciences (Тіл, ғылым салаларының аттарының алдында)

English, French, Japanese, etc.

We also learn English, literature, history, French, German and Russian.

7. Collective Nouns (Егер зат есім жинақтау (жалпы) магынасында келсе)

There are apple-trees in my garden. I have bread and butter and tea for my breakfast.

8 Possessive Case + Noun (Егер зат есімнің алдында жалқы жəне жалпы есім тəуелдік септікте тұрса)

John's house, my friend's office, girl's letter, his student’s answer, women's rights

9. Possessive Pronouns + Noun (Егер зат есім тəуелдік есімдікпен


my book, your pen, her cat, his dog, our house

10. Imperative and interrogative sentences

(Бүйрықты жəне кейбір сұраулы сөйлемдерде)

Sit down Go on reading

What is your name? How old are you? How many lessons did you have yesterday?

It is a desk. It’s a lamp. It’s a bag. It’s a text. It’s a shelf. It’s a dog. It’s a bus. It’s a cap. It’s a cat.

Is it a desk? Yes, it is.

Is it a bed? No, it is not (it isn’t).


Is it a text? Yes, it is. Yes, it is a text.

Is it a shelf? No, it isn’t. It is not a shelf, it is a desk. Is it a dog? Yes, it is. Yes, it is a dog.

is it a bag? No, it isn’t, it is not a bag, it is a cap. It is not a lamp. It is not a dog. It is not a bed.

It is a desk. It is a black desk. It is his desk. It is his black desk. It is black. It is a cap. It is a red cap. It is his cap.

It is his red cap. It is red.

It is a bus. It is a big bus. It is his bus. It is his big bus. It is big. Is it a clock? Yes, it is. Is it his clock?

No, it isn’t. Is it a big clock? Yes, it is. Is it a shelf? Yes, it is. Is it his shelf?

No, it isn’t. Is it a bad shelf? Yes, it is.

Is it a red dress ? No, it is not a red dress, it is a black dress. It is not a big bus. It is not a bad shelf. It is not a black cap. It is not his pen. It is not his desk.

Stand up. Sit still.

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