Тавасарова А. А

Using the Present Perfect Tense (Аяқталған осы шақтың қолданылуы)

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Using the Present Perfect Tense (Аяқталған осы шақтың қолданылуы)

Cases of using (Қолданылуы)

Examples (Мысалдар)

1. Іс əрекет нəтижесі осы шақта болғандығын білдіреді

I have written my exercises, here they are.

Мен жаттығуды жаздым. Олар міне

2. Present Perfect Continuous-тің орнына

I have known him for three years.

Мен оны үш жылдан бері білемін.

3. Мезгіл жəне шартты бағыныңқы сөйлемдегі аяқталған іс-əрекеттің келер шағын білдіреді.

After I have read the book, I`ll give it to you.

Кітапты оқып болған соң, саған беремін.

Conjugating the Present Perfect Tense (Аяқталған осы шақтың жіктелуі) [«have/has» + Past Participle]

Singular (Жекеше)

Plural (Көпше)

Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлемдер)


You He She It

have worked have worked has worked has worked has worked

We You They

have worked have worked have worked

Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлемдер)


You He She It

have not worked have not worked has not worked has not worked has not worked

We You They

have not worked have not worked have not worked

Interrogative sentences (Сұраулы сөйлемдер)

Have Have Has Has Has

I worked? you worked? he worked? she worked? it worked?

Have Have Have

we worked? you worked? they worked?

Interrogative-negative sentences (Сұраулы болымсыз сөйлемдер)

Have Have Has Has Has

I not worked? you not worked? he not worked? she not worked? it not worked?

Have Have Have

we not worked? you not worked? they not worked?

Shortened forms

I have worked

You have not worked He has worked

She has not worked

I`ve worked

You haven`t worked He`s worked

She hasn`t worked

Shortened forms (Қысқарған түрі)

Singular (Жекеше)

Plural (Көпше)

Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлемдер)

I`ve [aiv] worked

You`ve [ju:v] worked

He`s [hi:z] worked

She`s [∫i:z] worked

It`s [its] worked

We`ve [wi:v] worked

You`ve [ju:v] worked

They`ve [ðeiv] worked

Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлемдер)

I haven`t [h

ævnt] worked

We haven`t [h

ævnt] worked

I`ve not worked

We`ve not worked

You haven`t


ævnt] worked

You haven`t


ævnt] worked

You`ve not worked

You`ve not worked

He hasn`t


æznt] worked

They haven`t


ævnt] worked

He`s not worked

They`ve not worked

She hasn`t


æznt] worked

She`s not worked

It hasn`t


æznt] worked

It`s not worked

Interrogative-negative sentences (Сұраулы болымсыз сөйлемдер)

Haven`t I worked?

Haven`t you worked?

Hasn`t he (she, it) worked?

Haven`t we worked?

Haven`t you worked?

Haven`t they worked?


  1. Complete the sentence using a verb from the list in present perfect simple form.

collect install organize paint


put up recycle replace send show

What we have done to make our school a greener place

    1. We have sent information leaflets to all parents.

    2. We information posters in every classroom.

    3. We over five tones of litter for recycling.

    4. We fifteen trees in front of the school.

    5. We 50 lights bulbs with energy – saving bulbs.

    6. We 25 link cartridges from computer printers.

    7. We three films about how to save energy.

    8. We signs on all the doors reminding people to return off the lights.

    9. We five new energy-saving heaters.

    10. We teams of students to turn off unused lights.

  1. Read these sentences about fish. Them put the verb in brackets into present perfect simple form.

    1. About 15% of protein eaten by humans (always come) has always come

from fish.

    1. Recently, however, the number of fish (fall) .

    2. Several things (cause) this problem.

    3. Most scientists agree that governments (not do) enough to stop overfishing.

    4. This means that fish populations (grow) smaller.

    5. Many fish (not reproduce) fast enough to replace their numbers.

    6. The population of North Sea cod, for example, (reach) a dangerous level.

    7. EU laws (reduce) the numbers of fishing boats.

    8. As a result, many fisherman in traditional fishing ports (lose)

their jobs.

    1. In recent years, fish in the UK (become) expensive, and many people (stop) eating it.

  1. Use the prompts to make a question.

    1. you / ever / see a humming bird?

It`s the world smallest bird.

Have you ever seen a humming bird?

    1. you / ever / read War and Peace?

It`s one of the longest 19th-century novels.


    1. you / ever / visit San Marino?

It`s Europe`s second smallest country.


    1. you / ever / swim in the Pacific Ocean?

It`s the largest ocean in the world.


    1. you / ever / take a trip to the Sahara Desert?

It`s one of the hottest places in the world.


  1. Complete each sentence with one of the time words in the list. You will need to use some words.

yet for already since
In the laboratory …

    1. `Haven`t you left yet ?`

    2. `No. I`ve been here 8.00 this morning.`

    3. `Have you checked the results of the experiment ?`

    4. `Yes, I`ve done that.`

    5. `We`ve worked on this project three weeks. Unfortunately we haven`t discovered anything interesting `

    6. `No, nothing has happened last Tuesday.`

    7. `Yes, I know. I`ve seen your report.`

    8. `So I`m going to do the experiment again. But I haven`t started it


    1. `Don`t bother. I`ve started it. I haven`t checked , but I think we`re going to get the same results.`


Past Perfect Tense (Өткен шақтың аяқталған түрі) іс-əрекет, қимылдың бір уақытта нəтижелі аяқталғанын немесе басқа бір іс – əрекеттің алдында болғанын білдіреді. He had hardly entered the house, when it started to rain. – Жаңбыр басталған кезде, ол үйге əрең кірді.

      1. Past Perfect Tense to have көмекші етістігінің өткен шақ формасы (had) жəне негізгі етістіктің өткен шақ есімше (Past Participle) формасы жасалады. Had + Past Participle II. Мысалы: I (we, you, they) had worked. He (she, it) had worked.

      2. Past Perfect шағының сұраулы сөйлемде көмекші етістік бастауыштың алдында келеді, мысалы: Had I (we, you, they) worked? Had he (she, it) worked?

      3. Past Perfect шағының болымсыз сөйлемде бастауыштан кейін көмекші етістік, одан кейін not демеулігі келеді: I (we, you, they) had not worked. He (she, it) had no worked.

      4. Сұраулы-болымсыз сөйлемде not демеулігі бастауыштан кейін келеді. Мысалы: Had I (we, you, they) not worked? Had he (she, it) not worked?

      1. Past Perfect Tense болымды, болымсыз жəне сұраулы-болымсыз сөйлемдеріне берілетін қысқартулар көбінесе ауызекі тілде кездеседі. I`d worked. You`d worked. I hadn`t worked. I`d not worked. He hadn`t worked. He`d not worked. Hadn`t I (he, she, it, we, you, they) worked?

  1. Past Perfect Tense сұраулы сөйлемдеріне берілетін қысқа жауаптар: Had you worked? Yes, I`d (I had) worked. Had he worked? No, he hadn`t (had not) worked.

  2. Past Perfect-те іс-əрекеттің өткендегі белгілі бір уақытта орындалғанын білдіру үшін мезгіл пысықтауыштың алдынан by көмекші сөзі арқылы мынадай үстеулер қолданылады: by 5 o`clock (сағат 5-ке дейін), by Saturday (сенбіге дейін), by that time (сол уақытқа дейін), by the end of the year (week) (жылдың, аптаның аяғына дейін), before (дейін), т.б. I had finished my work before he returned. – Ол келгенше, мен өз жұмысымды аяқтадым.

  3. Past Perfect басыңқы сөйлемде hardly, scarcely, no sooner деген үстеулер қолданылады. No sooner had he arrived, than he fell ill. – Ол келмей жатып ауырып қалды.

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