2. Составьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Дресс-код в бизнес среде.
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A person communicates every day with many people; it's not uncommon. Speaking in
front of people becomes a little more difficult and can cause stress to a person; this is also not
Communication skills are important in every day life, without them we could
not survive as a society for very long. Communication skills can bring many benefits to a
company, which include better moral, increased productivity, and lower legal encounters.
The first cause of communication problems comes from not listening. Instead of listening
most people just wait for their turn to speak. So rather than listening and really processing
what is being said the person instead is thinking of something to say when its their turn.
Another area that causes communication problems comes from misunderstanding. The
most common form of misunderstanding is "the et cetera principle." This principle means
that people take for granted that we understand what they are saying. People expect us to fill
in what they do not. This causes problems because we may not fill in the details that we are
expected to, and projects may begin in completely the wrong direction than what is expected.
This creates a waste of the company's time and resources. An easy way to prevent this from
occurring is to have the people you are talking to paraphrase what you said and then state it
back to you
A third way to improve feedback is to make sure that feedback is specific. Specific means
only concentrate on one thing for one feedback session unless absolutely necessary. If a
manager covers multiple issues in a feedback session or gets to nit-picky the message will
not be sent accurately. Most of the time an employee knows if they have done something
without the effort that was required. Instead of confronting the employee try asking questions
like "How do you think you performed?" and "How could you do better next time?"
The last suggestion to providing effective feedback is to make sure its timely. Nothing
destroys communication more than allowing an excessive amount of time to pass before
providing feedback on a situation the manager has observed. The message will be lost if a
manager allows this to happen and feedback will not be effective. A manager must give
instant or as-soon-as possible feedback to make it work.
Составьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Эффективные способы коммуникации.
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Management style is influenced by the goals and purpose of the organization, which are in large
part established by the type of business being managed.
A for profit business is an organization engaged in the trade of goods, services, or both to
customers with the goal of earning profit to increase the wealth of the business's owners.
Managers have to direct their efforts towards achieving that goal.
In contrast, a non-profit organization is legally prohibited from making a profit for owners. All
income generated by a non-profit's activities must be used to achieve the charitable or
educational purpose defined in the organization's bylaws. The managers of non-profits must
always be aware of that charitable purpose and ensure that the organization's operations conform
to those purposes.
A mutual-benefit non-profit corporation can be non-profit or for profit. However, mutual benefit
corporations are usually formed for nonprofit purposes like managing a condo association, a
downtown business district, or a homeowners association. A mutual is therefore owned by its
members and run for their benefit; it has no external shareholders to pay in the form of
dividends, and as such does not usually seek to generate large profits or capital gains. Managers
in mutual benefit organizations are, therefore, more concerned about improvements in human
and environmental well-being than maximizing profits for external shareholders.
The management of all three types of organizations may have similar responsibilities, such as
drafting a budget and ensuring that the organization generates enough revenue to fulfill its
operational needs. Management will need to plan, organize, direct and control the business's
activities. All three types require that management motivate employees.
However, the approach managers take will vary based on the type of organization. For example,
a manager of a for profit company may be able to motivate employees through bonuses for sales
targets or profit sharing. This strategy cannot work for a non-profit or mutual-benefit
corporation. In those cases, management must either appeal to the employees' sense of duty to
the mission of the non-profit or to the benefit they would get from a well-run mutual-benefit
corporation. While every organization poses different challenges, a good manager will consider
the type of organization and adjust his or her style to fit those circumstances.
2. Составьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Плюсы и минусы различных стилей руководства.
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Communication troubles can stem from childhood experiences, in which we may learn to
“stuff” our feelings, blame others, blow-up in anger, “beat around the bush” instead of saying
what we need, want, or feel, or otherwise experience--and imitate--counterproductive
communication habits. Sometimes, it’s difficult to know for ourselves what we want to say;
the act of saying it aloud can also be terrifying to some people sometimes.
Therapists often teach communication techniques. Assertiveness training focuses on
communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive.
Passive communicators seem to believe their needs don’t matter. They act almost like
mice--very small and timid--and do just about anything to avoid confrontation. They like
to please others, often at their own expense. Sometimes, this builds resentment.
Aggressive communicators act as if only their needs matter. They accuse, threaten, yell,
insult, and dominate. They often get into relationships with passive people.
Passive-aggressive people express anger and use manipulation, guilt, and subtle games
to get what they want. They feel aggressive and often act out of anger, but hide
their aggression under passive behaviors, such as remaining silent, “forgetting” things,
refusing to listen, changing plans at the last minute, and otherwise expressing bitterness
or anger without directly verbalizing it or admitting to it.
Nonviolent communication focuses on our words. It teaches people to use language that is as
objective as possible, while reporting what they observe, feel, and need and then making a
request. Reflective statement are often used by therapists to let clients know they are being
understood and to help clients clarify their own thoughts and words. A reflective statement is
simply the act of telling someone what I hear or think I heard them say, and asking them to
confirm or correct this. With practice, using such statements helps avoid major
Important communication tools to practice are:
More communication, rather than less, once you are in a calm state of mind
Staying present, physically and emotionally. Avoiding distractions during a serious talk
Listening fully
Leaving space between each person’s time to speak
Taking about feelings and needs and avoiding insults or sweeping generalities
Saying only what you know to be true
Paying attention to the other person, and to your own feelings, tone of voice, facial
expression, etc.
2. Составьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Коммуникационные барьеры.
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Good communication practices are at the heart of every successful business. Without
successful internal communications, work processes slow down or grind to a halt and customers
are not served properly. When processes do break down, you'll more than likely find some
common communication issues at the root of the problem for managers and employees alike.
Effective communication begins with understanding the audience and the method of
communication that serves it best. Do your homework first to get to know the audience, the
questions that might be raised and any objections beforehand. Sound research can avoid issues
with communication before they arise. Use the communication method best suited to the
information being conveyed. Face-to-face meetings are better for important changes taking place
at work.
Verify the information being conveyed before sharing it. If your information is unclear,
confusing or flat out incorrect, the message sent will be wrong. Double-check information you
plan to share in the workplace to ensure its authenticity, clarity and correctness. When you share
information that is wrong or confusing, people will not receive the intended message.
When communication is vague or ambiguous, it can lead to misinterpretation or
misapplication in the workplace. To convey material effectively, it must be concise, clear and to
the point. Have a clear understanding of the facts, the order of information and its intended use
before sending a message that can't be retracted.
Verbal communication requires focused listening skills of the audience. When you don't
have the full attention of your audience, your message won't be received. For face-to-face
meetings, a good practice is to avoid distractions during the meeting. Have people leave their cell
phones at their desks and hold the meeting in a conference room or other quiet location. Allow
interaction after the meeting to develop clarity and obtain feedback. Answering questions
honestly can help to clear up any confusion or misunderstandings.
Составьте монологическое высказывание по теме.
Урегулирование конфликтов и преодоление проблем коммуникации.
Приложение 3
Комплект оценочных средств
Контрольная работа
Контрольная работа № 1
Translate into English
1. Организации возникли достаточно давно и по мере развития человеческого общества
неуклонно разрастались, усложнялись, приобретали все большее значение в жизни людей.
2. Коммерческие организации — организации, деятельность которых направлена на
систематическое получение прибыли от пользования имуществом, продажи товаров,
выполнения работ или оказания услуг.
3. Некоммерческие организации — организации, не имеющие в качестве основной цели
своей деятельности извлечение прибыли и не распределяющие полученную прибыль
между участниками организации.
4. Структура организации - это логические взаимоотношения уровней управления и
функциональных областей, построенных в такой форме, которая позволяет наиболее
эффективно достичь целей организации.
5. Под внутренней средой организации понимают ситуационные факторы внутри
организации‚ которые являются результатом управленческих решений.
6. Формальная организация планируется руководством, неформальная имеет
спонтанный характер создания. Основами отношений являются личные симпатии,
общность взглядов, целей, интересов, дружеские отношения.
7. Основным психологическим механизмом эффективного управления является перевод
административных планов и задач во внутриличностную структуру сотрудников,
осознание ими перспектив социального развития производственных групп и личного
Следует обращать внимание на качество и количество допускаемых недостатков,
убеждаться в их достоверности, правильно определять показатели результативности
выполненной работы. При этом должна быть избрана психологически обоснованная
тактика поведения контролирующего лица.
Контрольная работа № 2
1. Translate into English:
1. Социализация персонала является неотъемлемым этапом адаптации сотрудников в
2. Результатом адаптации к предприятию является состояние соответствия между
производственной средой (среда адаптации) и работником (субъект адаптации).
3. Основу конфликтных ситуаций на предприятии составляет столкновение интересов,
мнений, целей, различных представлений о способе их достижения.
4. Существует пять основных стратегий поведения при конфликте: конкуренция (или
соперничество), сотрудничество, компромисс, уклонение, приспособление.
5. К методам профилактики конфликтов на уровне организации можно отнести:
выдвижение интегрирующих целей между администрацией и персоналом
баланс прав и ответственности при выполнении служебных обязанностей;
выполнение правил формирования и функционирования временных
выполнение правил делегирования полномочий и ответственности между
иерархическими уровнями управления;
использование различных форм поощрения, предполагающих взаимное сочетание
и варьирование монетарных и немонетарных побудительных систем.
6. Считается, что конструктивное разрешение конфликта зависит от следующих факторов:
адекватности восприятия конфликта, т. е. достаточно точной, не искаженной
личными пристрастиями оценки поступков, намерений как противника, так и своих
открытости и эффективности общения, готовности к всестороннему обсуждению
проблем, когда участники честно высказывают свое понимание происходящего,
предлагают пути выхода из конфликтной ситуации, создают атмосферу взаимного
доверия и сотрудничества.
7. Деструктивный конфликт может быть вызван как объективными, так и
субъективными причинами. Зачастую из деловой сферы они переносится в зону
межличностных отношений, ведет к образованию противоборствующих группировок,
расширению количества участников.
Контрольная работа № 3
1. Translate into English:
1. Мотивация персонала является основным средством обеспечения оптимального
использования ресурсов, мобилизации имеющегося кадрового потенциала.
2. В России существует множество проблем, связанных с мотивационной политикой:
проблема взаимоотношений с руководством неудовлетворенность размером заработной
платы, условиями быта и труда в целом на предприятии.
3. В управлении персоналом мотивация рассматривается как процесс активизации
мотивов работников (внутренняя мотивация) и создания стимулов
(внешняя мотивация) для их побуждения к эффективному труду.
4. В настоящее время организация эффективной системы стимулирования персонала
является одной из наиболее сложных практических проблем менеджмента.
5. Часто возникновение стрессовых ситуаций в организации напрямую зависит от
разработанной системы мотивации персонала.
6. К стрессу часто приводят финансовые трудности и неэффективное управление
собственным временем.
7. Высокая конкуренция внутри организации и достижение работником предела карьеры -
дополнительные источники стресса.
Контрольная работа № 4
1. Translate into Russian :
Complaint letter from a business customer to a telephone company
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to complain in the strongest terms about the poor service that I have
received from your company.
We signed up to your telephone and internet service package two months ago because your
advertising suggests that you are better than Telco. In addition, you promise to deal with
problems quickly and efficiently, something that Telco were unable or unwilling to do. However,
in the first month of service you managed to cause me to lose two days worth of business
because of poor administration. The main problem was that you failed to provide me with the
correct telephone number, 9818 8747, that you had promised when I completed the contract.
This phone number was an established business line which I had been using for the last three
years. Obviously this meant that my clients were unable to contact me and it cost me many hours
of phone calls to resolve the matter with your support centre.
I would appreciate it if this situation could be resolved and a substantial rebate offered on my
first three month's account.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Faithfully
John O'Sullivan
Контрольная работа № 5
1. Translate from English into Russian
September 14, 2011
Mr. Steal,
Sales Manager,
Brown & Sons Ltd.,
1304 Sherman Ave.,
Madison, Wisconsin.
Dear Mr. Steal,
We are pleased to advise you that we are in the market for very substantial quantities of washing
machines for the next two months.
We are currently assessing our requirements and considering offers from various sources.
Please submit offers of your regular production qualities and advise the quantity available
together with approximate delivery time.
We on our part will do our best to place substantial business with you.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. C.B. Smith,
Purchasing Manager
Russian Fabrics ltd.
126 Leninsky Av.
Moscow 117247
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have learnt from the Russian Trade Delegation in London that you produce for export cotton
and other natural fabrics. There is a steady demand here for good and medium quality goods of
this type especially in pale colours.
Will you please send us your catalogues and full details of your export prices and terms of
payment together with any samples you let us have.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
William McDonald
Purchase Department manager
Контрольная работа № 6
1. Translate from Russian into English
1. Мы считаем условия приемлемыми для нас.
2. Хотя довольно небольшая скидка в 10% разочаровала нас, мы все-таки прилагаем заказ
и надеемся, что размер скидки может быть пересмотрен в ближайшем будущем.
3. Согласно достигнутой договоренности оплата должна будет произведена чеком,
который мы направим по получении Вашего инвойса.
4. Мы бы хотели подтвердить, что оплата должна быть произведена безотзывным
аккредитивом, который мы уже поместили в банк.
5. Я пишу Вам по поводу Вашего заказа No 123– ASD, который Вы сделали 4 недели тому
6. Мы бы хотели сообщить Вам, что Ваш заказ был отгружен на судно Балтика и должен
поступить к Вам в течение следующих 10 дней.
7. Мы надеемся, что этот первый заказ станет началом взаимовыгодного сотрудничества.
8. Не могли бы мы попросить Вас подтвердить благополучное прибытие груза (товаров)?
9. Мы благодарим Вас за Ваш заказ, который мы подтверждаем следующим...
Наш обычный способ оплаты заключается в списании суммы, указанной в чеке, с
нашего счета в Банке Национальный кредит, и мы полагаем, что такой способ оплаты Вас
Контрольная работа № 7
Translate from English into Russian
There are many barriers to communication and these may occur at any stage in the
communication process. Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted and you
therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding.
Effective communication involves overcoming these barriers and conveying a clear and concise
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