16. The common forms of drugs Most medicines are divided into three categories: 1) solids, 2) semi-solids and 3) liquids.
The doctor must decide on the exact form in which his medicine will be administered.
If the patient cannot swallow pills (especially small children), he should always receive the medicine in liquid form.
And also, a patient with chronic peptic ulcer disease may not tolerate cough syrup containing ammonium chloride.
17. Solid forms of drugs 18. Drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical industry 19. Solid medicinal forms 20. Solid substance A lot of drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical industry in a solid state greatly differ in shape, size and colour. They are powders, granules, globules, tablets, capsules, pills and lozenges.
A powder is a finely ground mass of free particles (headache powders, powders of ascorbic acid)
A tablet is a compressed solid mass of medicinal material. A large medicinal or sweetened round-shaped tablet is called a lozenge.
A capsule is a small spherical gelatinous container with a dose of medicine inside. Capsules may be of different forms, size and colour.
A pill is a medicinal substance put up in a pellet, convenient for swallowing whole.
Solid medicinal forms are mainly administered internally.
21. Semisolid medicinal plants- Полутвердые лекарственные растения 22. Semisolid medicinal preparation 23. Semisolid medicinal forms Semisolid medicinal preparations usually have as a basis fatty material in the form of petrolatum (петралейтум), lard, wool fat. They differ in shape, consistency and methods of application.
They are ointments, liniments, salves, suppАsitories, pills and plasters. An ointment is an unctuous(әнкшус) preparation of a soft consistency. It is often mixed with some medicine, used for application to the skin for medical purposes or as a cosmetic.