16. shareholder - акционер: "Shareholder" is the owner of shares in a business.
17. to vote – дауыс беру: At the election I shall give my vote for Tom Smith.
18. Annual General Meeting – жыл сайынғы басты жиналыс: Today we are going to have an Annual General Meeting.
19. to elect - таңдау: They elected him President.
20. Board of Directors – директорлар кеңесі: "Board of directors" is the group of people who have been elected by shareholders to manage a company.
21. stock exchange – қор биржасы: "Stock exchange" is a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold.
22. owner - иеленуші: Who is the owner of this car?
23. to fail – қолынан келмеу, сәтсіздікке ұшырау: "Did you fail your driving test?" "I went through a red light."
24. to participate – қатысу: Everybody in the should participate in these discussions.
25. investmеnt - инвестиция, капитал салымы: She made an investment of £1000 in the new firm.
26. сold -суық, енжар, селқос:She seemеd rather cold towards the visitors.
27. рaternal – әкелік, аталық, шектеуші: "Paternal" means protecting people and satisfying their needs but without allowing them any freedom or responsibility.
28. to respond – жауап беру, әсер тигізу: They still haven't responded to my letter.
29. flat - тұрпайы, қызықты емес, to fall – сәтті болмау: Everything seems so flat after the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over.