EXERCISES I. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text. 1. A new term has been coined for a modern disease that is spreading r a p id ly and becoming dangerous. 2. When spring comes
a man gets on board a plane or ship and goes abroad, because he
can't help doing it. 3. In the summer months eve rybody seems
to be travelling. 4. In many parts of France and Spain you wilt f in d things d i ff i cu lt if you don't speak English. The Americans
take photographs of themselves so that nobody should doubt their having visited all the famous places in Europe. The Germans
want to make sure that the information the guide-books contain is correct and f e e l satisfied they have not been misinformed. 7. An
Englishman firmly believes that you learn a lot b y travelling (travelling adds to one's education). 8. Another reason that
makes an Englishman leave his native land is the desire to keep away fr o m those damned foreigners. 9. One is always willing to treat his fellow-countryman to a glass o f wine. 10. If you don't want
people to suspect that you belong to the lower -middle class
you should b y no means visit places where most people usually go.