Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

 The chief found the right person for the

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16. The chief found the right person for the
1. didn't he
2. wasn't he
3. isn't he
4. did he
5. hasn't he
17. The data___by us drew overall
1. obtains
2. obtaining
3. obtain
4. to obtain
5. obtained
1 8 .1 _in the library all day tomorrow.
1. is working
2. works
3. worked
4. am working
5. shall be working
1 9 .1 have never had such a good friend like
you. You are m y ___friend.
1. better
2. gooder
3. the good
4. the best
5. best
20. Our house is similar___theirs. I think
ours is a bit larger.
1. at
2. on
3. for
4. to
5. with
21. Petrol is tw ice___it was a few years
1. as expensive as
2. more expensive than
3. not so expensive than
4. expensive than
5. more expensive that
22. Did you m eet___interesting at the
1. any
2. somebody
3 . nobody
4 . anybody
5. nothing
23. Cuba i s ___sugar-growing areas in the
1. one o f the largest
2. larger
3. one o f largest
4. one o f the large
5. larges
24. She doesn't often go out at night. She's
l . i n
2. with
3. for
4. o f
5. on
25. It took me more time to complete the
paper than I ___.
1. had expected
2. expect
3. expects
4. am expecting
5. is expecting
2 6 .1 
the conference unless I have time.
1 2 8
1. isn't attending
2. attend
3. attended
4. have attended
5. shall not attend
2 7 .1 _reading and translating specialty7
literature as yet.
1. don't complete
2. haven't completed
3. am not completing
4. didn't complete
5. won't complete
28. Some people seem ___in science.
1. has disappointed
2. to be disappointed
3. disappointing
4. disappoint
5. disappoints
29. All the applicants for the job _ _ in
Room 7 now.
1. are being interviewed
2. am being interviewed
3. is being interviewed
4. was interviewed
5. am interviewed
3 0 .1 shall give a review of papers___the
situation in the country7.
1. covers
2. to cover
3. covered
4. covering
5. cover
31. The teacher___all the necessary
information by the time the exam begins.
1. will have given
2. give
3. are giving
4. have given
5. am giving
32. The earlier we leave___we'll arrive.
1. more soon
2. sooner
3. as soon as
4. the sooner
5. as soon
33. We were absolutely safe because we _
proper precautions.
1. are taking
2. had taken
3. have taken
4. shall take
5. take
34. A sk ___you know what he thinks about
war and he'll say it's evil.
1. nobody
2. no one
3. something
4. anyone
5. somehow
35. A lot of experiments___by the
members of our laboratory every year.
1. is carried out
2. are carried out
3. is carrying out
4. are carrying out
5. carried out
36. Martin was sick and couldn't___in the
meeting last night.
1. try on
2. wait on
3. at last
4. put away
5. take part
37. If sh e ___a problem, I ___ help her.
1. had / would
2. will have / will
3. has / would
4. have / will
5. will have / would
38. London is situated o n ___river
1 . a
2 . -
3. this
4. the
5. an
39. My dissertation___methods of
teaching English.
1. dealing with
2. deals with

3. have dealing with
4. am dealing with
5. deal with
y o u ___us in discussion of the
problem tomorrow?
1. Has/joined
2. Will/join
3. Is/joining
4. Did/join
5. Does/join
41. This probationer___investigations in
the field of psychology.
1. carrying on
2. have carried on
3. am carrying on
4. were carrying on
5. carries on
42. "Don't make mountains out of
molehills," he said.
He asked m e___.
1. that I didn't make mountains out o f 
2. not to make mountains out o f molehills
3. whether I didn’t make mountains out of 
4. to make mountains out o f molehills
5. don't make mountains out o f molehills.
43. An important problem___by us when
professor entered the room.
1. discusses
2. are being discussed
3. discuss
4. discussed
5. was being discussed
44. While my friend___his driving test, I
was waiting for him outside.
1. were taking
2. has taken
3. takes
4. take
5. was taking
45. The scientists___the results of the
experiment last week.
1. are analyzing
2. analyzed
3. analyzes
4. analyzing
5. has analyzed
46. The dean___ju st___ the curriculum
for the new academic year.
1. does/approve
2. have/approved
3. is/approving
4. did/approve
5. has/approved
47. That w a s___boring film I have ever
1. the more
2. much
3. the most
4. more
5. much more
4 8 . __y o u ___ any difficulties in finding
literature on your specialty?
1. Is/encounter
2. Do/encounter
3. Does/encounter
4. has/encountered
5. Are/encounter
49. The scientists___about a new field of
research when I entered.
1. talked
2. are talking
3. talk
4. had talked
5. were talking
5 0 . _this simple task is not so easy.
1. To explain
2. Explains
3. Am explaining
4. Explain
5. Is explaining
51. The researchers___application of a
new method in their investigation at the
1. consider
2. are considering
3. considered
4. is considering
5. has considered
52. What i s __highest mountain in _
1. the / the
2. the / -
3. a / -
4. a / the
5. - / the
5 3 .1 __through the periodicals by the
time the meeting began.
1. look
2. am looking
3. had looked
4. looks
5. have looked
54. If you leave your roller skates on the
path someone___over them.
1. fall
2. wall fall
3. falling
4. falls
5. is falling
55. Graduates of the History faculty___on
archeological digs every summer.
1. am going
2. is going
3. has gone
4. go
5. goes
5 6 .1 __any books from the library this
1. don't borrow
2. hasn't borrowed
3. isn't borrowing
4. haven't borrowed
5. am not borrowing
57. Last night several friends___us.
1. get along
2. called on
3. look out
4. looked up
5. take out
58. We haven't g o t___time today to
discuss this question.
1. some
2. none
3. every
4. any
5. no
59. It's too late to give him any advice - he
___already___ up his mind.
1. have/made
2. do/make
3. has/made
4. is/making
5. does/make
60. George's salary is very low. It isn't
enough to liv e___.
1. for
2. on
3. with
4. at
5. o f
Read the text and study the key words and
phrases below. For each key word or phrase,
you will see fo u r associations o f it. Write
down the number (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) o f the
relevant association.
Monday, January 
1986. Victor
Wilcox lies awake, in the dark bedroom, 
waiting for the quartz alarm clock to bleep. It 
is set to do this at 6.45. How long he has to 
wait he doesn’t know. He could easily find 
out by groping for the clock, lifting it to his 
line o f vision, and pressing the button that 
illuminates the digital display. But he would 
rather not know'. Supposing it is only six 
o ’clock? Or even five? It could be five. 
Whatever it is, he won’t be able to get to sleep 
again. This has become a regular occurrence 
lately: lying awuke in the dark, waiting for the 
alarm clock to bleep, worrying.
Worries streak towards him like enemy 
spaceships in one o f Gary’s video games. He 
flinches, dodges, zaps them with instant 
solutions, but the assault is endless: the Avco 
account, the Lawlinson account, the value o f 
the dollar, the incompetence o f his Marketing 
Director, the pressure from his divisional 
boss, last m onth’s accounts, the quarterly 
forecasts, the annual review ...

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