61. Victor Wilcox can easily find out the time b y ___. 1. looking at the digital display o f his clock
2. searching about for the clock
3. putting the clock close to his eyes and
lightening the digital display
4. pressing the button on the display
5. looking at his watch
62. Victor Wilcox doesn’t do anything to find out the time because___. 1. he hates doing it
2. he prefers not to do it
3. he doesn’t like doing it
4. he doesn’t want to do it
5. he prefers to sleep
63. Anxieties move to Victor very7 fast during the night, but he m anages___. 1. to draw back and get round them by quick
2. to streak to them and defeat them
3. to forecast them
4. to detect and attack them
5. to avoid them
64. Victor’s being awake at night 1. happens systematically
2. takes place occasionally
3. is endless
4. is worrying
5. is rare
65. An assault m eans___. 1. a disease
2. an attack
3. helplessness
4. happiness
5. laziness
Variant № 2 1. The results of the experiment__by scientists last week. 1. recognize
2. recognizes
3. is recognized
4. was recognized
5. were recognized
2. The buses were all full, so I __get a taxi. 1. must
2. may
3. was able to
4. had to
5. have to
3. The knowledge__by me during the past two years was useful in my work. 1. gaining
2. gained
3. gains
4. gain
5. to gain
4. By the end of the week w e __a set of criteria to evaluate our achievements. 1. devises
2. had devised
3. is devising
4. is devised
5. are devising
5 .___h e ___ research work in the field of