Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

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Perfect Passive:
1. An interesting research has been done in our laboratory recently. 2. Some original 
methods have been used by us in solving this problem. 3. Some encouraging data have been 
obtained by our scientists lately. 4. Some new techniques have been tried by us this week. 5. The 
statistical theory has been developed quite recently. 6. New technique has already been developed.
7. Numerous classifications have been used by our scientists. 8. I found out that many important 
problems had been solved by the end o f the year. 9. By the time I came, the results o f the 
experiment had been discussed. 10. Our work had been done in time. 11. After the painting had 
been completed, my friend gave it to me. 12. My report will have been completed by next Monday. 
13. My specialty literature will have been translated by December. 14. All my exams will have been 
passed by the end o f December. 15. The equipment will have been tested by the time the 
experiment begins.
Exercise 2. Remember some of the verbs taking a direct object in English but equivalent to
Russian verb followed by a preposition. Translate the sentences into Russian.
to effect - влиять (на); to answer - отвечать (на); to approach
подойти (к); to attend -
присутствовать (на); to consult - консультироваться (у, c); to enjoy - получать
удовольствие (от); to fo llo w - следовать

следить (за); to influence - влиять (на); to jo in -
присоединиться (к); to watch - наблюдать (за); to address - обратиться, обращаться (к).
1. Some people are easily influenced by other people’s opinion. 2. The distribution o f plants 
is greatly affected by local conditions. 3. The seminar was attended by all the participants. 4. His 
lectures are always followed by heated discussions. 5. In several areas o f research the efforts of 
scientists are joined by those o f philosophers and sociologists. 6. The university students are offered 
a curriculum o f study, which is followed by a test and the award o f a degree. 7. The members o f the 
laboratory were consulted prior to this successful operation. 8. The meeting was addressed by a man 
who was a well-known scientist.

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