PART I. GRAMMAR EXERCISES 1. EXERCISES ON THE VERB “TO BE” Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the tense forms of the verb ‘to be. Remember: The verb ‘to be’ in the function o f a predicate is translated
‘быть, находиться ’, or is not translated.
1 .1 am in the first year o f graduate courses. 2. My friend was a postgraduate last year. 3. My
scientific advisor will be Professor. (Doctor o f sciences___ .) 4. My specialty is a teacher o f history.
5. Prof. N. was my friend's scientific advisor. 6. Every fact is a process rather than a statistic entity.
7. Art is a manifestation o f emotions. 8. The main component o f settling the problem will be this
model. 9. Founders o f Royal Society were typical natural philosophers.
Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Remember: When the verb to be’ is
followed by an adjective, Gerund, Infinitive or a numeral, it is used in the function o f a linking verb.
Before Infinitive it is translated ‘
значить, заключаться в том, чтобы', in other cases -
1 являться, быть ’ or it is not translated.
Our task is to study the problem. 2. To do this is to spoil the device. 3. This statement is
true. 4. The main problem is to control the situation. 5. The number o f participants is fifty. 6. Prof.
N ’s lectures are very interesting. 7. This approach is promising. 8. He is interested in this work. 9.
While at the university I was interested in history. 10. Prof. N. will be appointed my scientific
advisor. 11. We were impressed by the lecturer’s speech. 12. This chapter is devoted to
The War o f Roses. 13. It is clear that the statement is correct. 14. It was difficult to settle the problem. 15. It will
be interesting to take part in the conference. 16. We are o f different opinion on some points.