Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 3. Each of the sentences below contains a word that should not be there. Cross it out

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Exercise 3. Each of the sentences below contains a word that should not be there. Cross it out.
1. He didn’t want that his friends to find out about his father’s job. 2. His father made him to 
join in the act. 3. My parents want for me to do well at university. 4. We warned them about not to 
take drugs. 5. They let her to have what she wants all the time. 6. When I was fourteen, my father 
always made me to come home by eleven o’clock. 7. The teacher expects his students about to take

their studies seriously. 8. We asked them about not to play their music so loud. 9. Mother made her 
son to keep his room tidy. 10. Parents would not let their children to believe everything they hear.
11. I want that you to respect your elders. 12. Doctors encourage that their patients to keep fit.
Exercise 4. Point out the Complex Object with the Infinitive and translate the sentences into
1. One can expect the scope o f research to expand steadily. 2. Most people believe the 
amount o f effect in science to be somehow correlated with the standard o f living in the country. 3. 
We can watch more and more people move into biology from other areas o f research. 4. The 
present-day situation forces most countries to start contributing to this field o f research. 4. An 
efficient laboratory head always knows how to get his people to do their work properly and on time.
5. If one is really interested in science, one does not like any problem, however difficult, to be left 
unsolved. 6. One will naturally think such course o f events to be disastrous not only for science but 
for the future o f mankind. 7. The author's major concern is to make the reader realize the full 
implications o f genetic engineering. 8. We may assume the information to be correct. 9. The 
scientist doesn t claim his results to be o f high accuracy. 10. He believed the results o f this test to 
have been plotted in the diagram. 11. The scientists cannot expect this complicated problem to be 
solved in a year or so.

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