Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 2. Use the required form of the infinitives in brackets and translate the sentences into

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Exercise 2. Use the required form of the infinitives in brackets and translate the sentences into
1. The data (to assume) to correlate with the recent theory. 2. Some people (to seem) to be 
disappointed in science. 3. They (to happen) to work at the same problem. 4. The work (to be likely) 
to contribute to the solution o f the problem. 5. He (to be sure) to argue about it. 6. The experiment 
(to expect) to give useful results. 7. At that time it (to seem) to be impossible to settle the problem.
8. This approach (to think) to give practical results. 9. The experiment (to report) to have completed 
successfully. 10. The results o f the experiment (to turn out) to be not what he had expected. 11. The 
scientists (to suppose) to have spent five years on the problem and finally gave it up. 12. The 
conference (to believe) to be interesting. 13. The scientists (to seem) to consider all sides and 
evaluate all facts. 14. The crime (to seem) to have been committed by a left-hand man. 15. The 
delegation (to be likely) to arrive before six. 16. He (to say) to be a brilliant scientist.
Exercise 3. Learn to distinguish between Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect Infinitive in the
Complex Subject with the Infinitive Construction and give their proper translation.
1. He is said to have graduated from Oxford University. He is said to avoid all sorts of 
arguments. 2. They seem to have taken advantages o f the favorable conditions. He seems to 
mention the problem in the last chapter o f his book. 3. He appeared to have lost interest in physics 
altogether. The story may appear to be oversimplified. 4. He is known to have established a 
laboratory o f his own. This scientist is known to be keeping in touch with the latest developments in 
his field o f research. 5. Molecular scientists are known to borrow their techniques from other 
sciences, mainly from physics. The scientists appeared to have borrowed their techniques from 
other sciences. 6. This research institute turned out to be studying the influence o f air pollution on 
the reproductive health o f the population. This research institute turned out to have studied the 
influence of air pollution on the reproductive health o f the population.

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