Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

 Graduates___practical lessons in

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16. Graduates___practical lessons in
English once a week.
1. has attended
2. attend
3. was attending
4. attends
5. attending
17. The graduate___the problem by the
end of the year.
1. is studying
2. studies
3. have studied
4. will have studied
5. study
18. By 2 o'clock yesterday they___the
results of their experiment.
1. had analyzed
2. have analyzed
3. were analyzing
4. are analyzing
5. analyze
19. An interesting research___by the
scientists of our university recently.
1. has been carried out
2. are carried out
3. were carried out
4. have been carried out
5. carried
20. We can watch more and more people

into biology from other areas of
1. is moving
2. has moved
3. move
4. moves
5. am moving
21. Every student should___all new words
in his dictionary.
1. look for
2. look after
3. look at
4. look into
5. look up
22. When w e ___the experiment we
experienced some difficulties.
1. makes
2. has made
3. are making
4. was making
5. were making
23. When the clock stroke midnight we still
_ the results of our experiment.
1. have discussed
2. were discussing
3. discussed
4. discuss
5. are discussing
24. You work under Professor N's
1. aren't you
2. do you
3. were you
4. did you
5. don't you
25. We have g o t___dictionaries here.
Bring them from the library.
1. every
2. any
3. some
4. no
5. none
26. Our next conference___by
representatives of different organizations.
1. attended
2. will be attended
3. attending
4. have attended
5. attends
27. The scientists of the Academy of
Sciences didn't analyze the outcomes of the
research yesterday,___?
1. weren't they
2. did they
3. didn't they
4. have they
5. aren't they
28. The leader made his team ___the
results of the experiment once again.
1. checks
2. is checking
3. checking
4. to check
5. check
29. The scientific advisor___his graduate
a month ago.
1. has consulted
2. is consulting
3. am consulting
4. consults
5. consulted
30. The Italian city of Florence is famous
_ its art treasures.
1. at
2. with
3. for
4. to
5. on
31. W e___the plan of our work at our last
1. are discussing
2. discuss
3. has discussed
4. discussed
5. is discussing
32. Some encouraging d ata___by our
scientists recently.
1. is obtained
2. shall obtain
3. obtains
1 3 4
4. is obtaining
5. have been obtained
33. W hile___for the conference, I looked
through my notes.
1. preparing
2. to be prepared
3. prepare
4. to prepare
5. prepares
34. Tom said: "I woke up feeling ill and so
I stayed in bed".
Tom said (that) h e ___.
1. woken up feeling ill so he stayed in bed
2. woke up feeling ill so he would stay in bed
3. has woken up feeling ill so he has stayed in 
4. had woken up feeling ill so he had stayed in 
5. wakes up feeling ill so he stays in bed
35. Is there___clean water in the bottle?
1. a few
2. some
3. any
4. few
5. many
36. Some original methods___by us in
solution of this problem.
1. have been used
2. has been used
3. is using
4. am using
5. uses
37. Have you ever visited___Tower of
1. the
. -
3. a
4. an
5. these
38. This scientist is likely___one of the
most creative minds of his time.
1. were
2. is
3. am
4. are
39. W ho___y o u ___ to invite to the
1. do/go
2. are/going
3. does/go
4. has/gone
5. is/going
40. Objects with negative stability _
1. calls
2. are calling
3. is calling
4. is called
5. are called
41. The scientists___about a new field of
research now.
1. are talking
2. talk
3. talks
4. had talked
5. is talking
42. The head of the research institute
ordered his employees___his instruction.
1. follows
2. to follow
3. is following
4. am following
5. followed
43. Professor X .___a lecture when I
approached the lecture hall.
1. is delivering
2. was delivered
3. delivers
4. deliver
5. was delivering
44. I'm sorry I'm late, I ___to the post
1. must go
2. can go
3. may go
4. should go
5. had to go
45. The articles___in this journal deal
5. to b e

with new methods of investigation.
1. publishes
2. has published
3. published
4. am publishing
5. to publish
46. Some pressing problems___at the
symposium next month.
1. am discussed
2. discussed
3. was discussed
4. will be discussed
5. is discussed
4 7 . __Nile i s ___ longest river in Africa.
1. - / the
2. the / the
3. - / the
4. the / a
5. a / the
48. The more you study___you know.
1. most
2. better
3. much
4. more
5. the more
4 9 .1 made all the calculations while you
1. are chattering
2. chatter
3. were chattering
4. chattered
5. was chattering
 Unless you look through all the
literature, y o u ___to proceed with your
1. am not able
2. won't be able
3. hasn't been able
4. haven't been able
5. isn't able
 The members of the laboratory___a
new project at the moment.
1. studied
2. is studying
3. am studying
4. studies
5. are studying
52. Could you take care of my plants while
I'm away? - Yes, I'll lo o k ___them for you.
1. for
2. on
3. at
4. after
5. up
5 3 . _is useful.
1. Have read
2. Reads
3. Reading
4. Is reading
5. Are reading
54. "Who invented the steam engine?" he
asked me.
He asked m e___.
1. who invents the steam engine
2. who the steam engine invented
3. who invented the steam engine was
4. who had invented the steam engine
5. who was the steam engine invent
55. The paper___by our colleague was
discussed by us.
1. to write
2. is writing
3. writing
4. am writing
5. written
56. At 
o'clock tomorrow my friend___
his first lecture.
1. will be giving
2. gives
3. are giving
4. have given
5. gave
57. A diagram ___on the board by the
speaker when I came in.
1. was being shown
2. am shown
3. show
4. shows
5. is shown
58. "How much does it cost?” she asked
1 3 6
She asked h im ___.
1. how much did it cost
2. how much it costs
3. how much it cost
4. how much cost it
5. how much does it cost
59. The equipment___by the time the
experiment begins.
1. were tested
2. are tested
3. will test
4. test
5. will have been tested
60. Next year we are going skiing to _
Swiss Alps.
1. that
2. the
3. an
4. a
5 . -
Read the text and study the key words and
phrases below. For each key word or phrase,
you will see fo u r associations o f it. Write
down the number (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) o f the
relevant association.
The alarm clock cheeps. Instantly, by 
some perverse chemistry o f his body or 
nervous system, he feels tired and drowsy, 
reluctant to leave the warm bed. He presses 
the Snooze button on the clock with a 
practised finger and falls effortlessly asleep. 
Five minutes later, the alarm wakes him 
again, cheeping insistently like a mechanical 
bird. Victor sighs, hits the O ff button on the 
clock, switches on his bedside lamp, gets out 
of bed and paddles through the deep pile of 
the bedroom carpets to the bathroom, making
sure the connecting door is closed before he 
turns on the light inside.
61. The chemistry of Victor’s body and

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