Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 13. Change the following direct commands into indirect commands

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Exercise 13. Change the following direct commands into indirect commands.
Indirect commands, requests etc. are normally expressed by 
tell, order, ask, beg, advise, remind,
etc. with the person addressed and the infinitive.
1. “D on’t believe everything you hear,” he warned me. 2. “D on’t watch late-night horror 
movies,” he warned me. 3. “D on’t make too much noise, children,” he said. 4. “Don’t put your 
hands near the bars,” the zoo keeper warned us. 5. “Don’t lean your bicycles against my windows, 
boys,” said the shopkeeper. 6. “Stand clear o f the doors,” a voice warned the people on the 
platform. 7. “Don’t worry about anything, Mr. Pitt,” said the solicitor. “Leave it all to me.” 8. 
“D on’t make mountains out o f molehills,” he said. 9. “Don’t use bent coins in a slot machine,” I 
warned him. 10. “Make a list o f what you want.” she told us.
Exercise 14. Report the following sentences.
1. “Wait for me,” I said to him. —»
I told him to wait fo r me.
“Go on holiday when the weather gets warmer,” she told him. (advise)
3. “Keep out o f this room at all times,” she said to them, (warn)
4. “Remember to post those letters,” he said to me. (remind)
5. “Don’t go into my study,” he said to them, (ask)
6. “Don’t wait for me,” I said to him. (tell)
7. “Don’t go on holiday yet,” she told him (advise)
8. “Don’t ever enter this room,” she said to them, (warn)
9. “Would you mind ringing me up at nine?” Peter said to Mary, (ask)
10. “Mind what you’re doing! D on’t sit on my hat!” said John, (ask)
Exercise 15. Put the following into indirect speech.
1 .’’Could you get there and back in one day?” he asked. 2. 'Т can’t open this tin,” said Ann.
3. “Could you translate this for me, please?” I asked the official. 4. “Shall we ever meet again?” he 
wondered. 5. “Could I lose five kilos in a week?” said the fat woman. “No,” said the doctor. 6. 
“Why don’t you install gas central heating?” said the advertisement. 7. “I should plant daffodils if I 
were you,” I said to them. 8. “If I find your purse what shall I do with it?” he said. “Keep it till you 
see it again,” I replied. 9. “If you feel lonely any time ring me up,” he said. 10. “Get the car off the 
road on to the verge if you have a puncture. D on’t leave it on the road,” said my father. 11. “When 
the rain stops, can we go out?” said the children. 12 “If the noise gets worse, you’d better complain 
to the police,” he said to the police.

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