Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистрантов и докторантов • Упражнения по грамматике

Exercise 3. Look through lists A and В and make up meaningful sentences using Infinitive

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Exercise 3. Look through lists A and В and make up meaningful sentences using Infinitive 
a subject
 in the construction ‘It + to be + adj + Infinitive’:
a) It is d iffic u lt___ ; It is e a s y ___ ; It was pleasant 
; It would be d esirab le___ ; It was
necessary___ ; It must be h a rd ___ ; It is not very g o o d ___ .
b) to win this honorable title; to have some good advice; to be an acute observer; to have a 
strong personality; to collect the necessary evidence; to be sensitive and vulnerable; to deny 
Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences in which the Infinitive is used 
as an adverbial
modifier o f purpose.
1. To fulfill this work one must have all the necessary equipment. 2. To show the results of 
the experiment Table 1 is given. 3. The programme is to be changed to lighten the work. 4. These 
conflicting views must be suffice (быть достаточными) to prove the complexity o f the problem. 5. 
In order to understand how to use a computer one must fully appreciate its design. 6. In order to 
estimate the value o f the experiment we must consider its results. 7. To be able to forecast the future 
we must begin by a thorough analysis o f the past course o f events. 8. To estimate the accuracy of 
the data refer to Table 1. 9. A new method was used so as to avoid the former mistakes. 10. To 
understand this relationship look at the graph.
Exercise 5, Complete the following sentences using the Infinitive. Make use of the following
to be postponed; to be neglected; to confirm our point o f view; to be taken into
consideration (2); to discourage further research; to contribute to the clarification o f the problem;
to give rise to interests o f most students; to suggest itselffor wide discussion; to be valid.
1. The matter is too urgent (чтобы его откладывать). 2. Two examples are enough (для 
подтверждения нашей позиции). 3. The results o f his experiment are too doubtful (чтобы 
принимать их во внимание). 4. The advantages o f such an approach are evident enough (чтобы 
ими пренебрегать). 5. The failure o f the project was such serious as (чтобы отказаться от 
дальнейших исследований) for many years. 6. The information available was not sufficient 
(чтобы она могла внести ясность в решение проблемы). 7. The assumption was reasonable 
enough (чтобы быть правильным). 8. The subject is fascinating enough (чтобы предлагать ее 
для широкого обсуждения). 9. The factor is important enough (для того, чтобы принимать его 
во внимание). 10. The problem is sufficiently complicated (для того чтобы вызывать интерес у 
большинства студентов).

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