Учебное пособие для студентов II-III курса филологического факультета специальности «Немецкий язык и литература»

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О.Н. Ромаданова, А.В. Куклина  





























Федеральное агентство по образованию 

Государственное образовательное учреждение  

высшего профессионального образования 



Кафедра английской филологии 







Ромаданова О.Н., преп. Куклина А.В. 











Учебное пособие 

для студентов II-III курса филологического факультета  

специальности «Немецкий язык и литература» 

(первый год обучения) 















Издательство “Самарский университет” 







Ромаданова  О.Н.,  Куклина  А.В.  “WE










Учебное  пособие  для  студентов II-III курса  филологического  факультета 

специальности  «Немецкий  язык  и  литература» (первый  год  обучения). 

Самара: Изд-во "Самарский университет", 2005. 72 с. 



Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов II-III курса 

филологического факультета (немецкого отделения) и имеет целью помочь 

студентам  выработать  навыки  устной  и  письменной  речи  на  основе 

тематически подобранных текстов по 12 урокам основного курса учебника 

Н.А. Бонк и др. «Английский язык», 1 часть. 

Пособие состоит из 11 разделов, включающих тематические тексты, 

словарь, подлежащий активному усвоению, и послетекстовые упражнения, 

способствующие  развитию  навыков  монологической  и  диалогической 

речи.  Тексты  содержат  наиболее  употребительные  речевые  образцы 

коммуникативной  лексики  и  идиоматические  выражения  современного 

английского  языка.  Разделы  содержат  дополнительные  упражнения  на 

формирование  такого  важного  вида  речевой  деятельности,  как 

аудирование:  упражнения  расширяют  диапазон  работы  по  освоению 

тематической лексики. Каждый раздел включает в себя набор упражнений, 

ориентированных на формирование грамматических навыков. 

Данное  пособие  может  быть  использовано  как  в  аудитории  для 

выполнения  заданий  под  руководством  преподавателя,  так  и  для 

самостоятельной работы студентов. 




Ответственный редактор: к.ф.н., проф. А.А.Харьковская 



Рецензент: ст. преп. кафедры немецкой филологии СамГУ Максимов О.Ю. 





© Ромаданова О.Н., Куклина А.В., 2005 

© Издательство «Самарский  

    университет», 2005 


(Units 1-2) 





Task 1. Make a list of all the foreign languages you know. 


Task 2. Read the text “We Learn Foreign Languages”. 

Let me introduce myself. My name is … . I am a second-year student of 

Samara State University. I am a student of the German Department. They say 

that a man is so many times a man how many languages he knows and I fully 

agree with this statement. We study German and we also study English. I study 

in Group … . 

You know, English is widely spread. It is really an international language. 

It is spoken in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the 

United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and in the 

South of Africa.  

So why do I want to learn English? First, knowledge of English is useful 

when you are in a foreign country, especially in an English-speaking country. 

Second, it is the language of business, technology, sport, diplomacy, science and 


We have English classes two times a week and I am doing well. When the 

teacher comes into the classroom we stand up and say “Good-morning” or “How 

do you do” and the lesson begins. At the lesson we learn to speak, to understand, 

to read and to write English. Our English lesson usually starts with phonetic 

drills. We practise reading rhymes, proverbs and tongue-twisters. Sometimes we 

switch on the cassette-recorder and repeat sounds, words and sentences after the 

speaker in chorus. It helps us to improve our pronunciation.  

We learn new grammar rules, revise the old ones and do a lot of exercises, 

orally and in writing. We learn new vocabulary, make and memorize dialogues, 

ask and answer questions. I enjoy learning poems by heart. We translate 

sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian. If we don’t 

know the meaning of a word, we look it up in the dictionary. We often read texts 

in English. My dream is to read English books in the original. We check our 

homework. During our English lesson we don’t speak Russian, we try to speak 

English. Sometimes we write dictations and grammar tests. I usually get good 

marks because I prepare for the tests beforehand. 

I want to know English well that’s why I am attentive in class and I 

always prepare my homework. I never miss classes. 

English is difficult but we like it and work hard in class and at home. 





Active Vocabulary 



a first-year (second, third, forth, fifth) student – первокурсник 

(второкурсник и т.д.) 



a foreign/international language – иностранный/международный язык 



phonetic drills – фонетические упражнения 



to practise – практиковать(ся), упражнять(ся) 



a rhyme – стихотворение, рифмовка 



a proverb – пословица 



a tongue-twister – скороговорка 



a cassette-recorder – магнитофон 



to repeat – повторять (за кем-то) 



in chorus – хором 



to improve – улучшить 



pronunciation – произношение 



to revise – повторять (правила) 



a vocabulary – список слов; лексикон, словарный запас 



a meaning – значение (слова) 



a dictionary – словарь; (the English-Russian, the Russian-English) 



a dictation – диктант 



a grammar test – контрольная работа по грамматике 



a mark – оценка (excellent – отлично; good – хорошо; satisfactory – 

удовлетворительно; unsatisfactory – неудовлетворительно; bad – 



Task 3. Transcribe the following words and practise their pronunciation. 

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK); the United 

States of America (the USA); Canada; Australia; New Zealand; India; the South 

of Africa; business; technology; sport; diplomacy; science; culture; phonetic; 

pronunciation; a dialogue. 


Task 4. Give the English equivalents to the following. 

Отделение  немецкой  филологии;  быть  широко  распространенным; 

англоязычная  страна;  хорошо  успевать;  на  уроке;  устно  и  письменно; 

составлять  диалоги;  запоминать  диалоги;  задавать  вопрос;  отвечать  на 

вопрос;  учить  стихотворения  наизусть;  переводить  (с … на);  посмотреть 

слово  в  словаре;  в  оригинале;  проверять  домашнее  задание;  готовиться  к 

контрольной  работе;  заранее;  быть  внимательным;  готовить  домашнее 

задание; пропускать занятия; усердно заниматься; в классе; дома.  


Task 5. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or 


1. We study German and we also study French.  













3. Knowledge of English is not useful when you are in an English-speaking 


4. We have English classes four 





5. Our English class usually starts with a grammar test.    




6. We repeat sounds, words and sentences after the speaker.  




7. We revise grammar rules and do a lot of exercises.  





8. We never read texts in English.  








9. We always speak Russian during our lessons.    





10. English is difficult.    


Task 6. Ask 20 questions on the text. 


Task 7. Read the dialogue “Our English Lesson” and act it out with your 

group mates.  

Teacher: Good-morning, all. Sit down, please! Is anyone away from the lesson? 

Monitor: All the students of our group are present except Ann. 

Teacher: Ann is absent again. What’s up? Is she ill? 

Monitor: Yes, she is. 

Teacher:  That’s too bad. Well now. Let’s begin. We’ll check our homework. 

Mike, will you take your exercise-book and come to the blackboard? 

Mike: Shall I write the words in transcription? 

Teacher:  Do, please. And you, Helen, read Text 7, will you? Will you read a 

little louder, please? That’ll do. Any mistakes noticed? 

Julia: I believe the intonation is wrong. 

Teacher:  That’s it. Helen, have another try. Now it’s correct. Now everybody 

look at the blackboard! 

Mike: Shall I read the exercise?  

Teacher:  Of course. (Mike reads). Is everything correct, Pete? 

Pete: I think it is.  

Teacher: Thank you, Mike. Clean the board, please, and go to your seat.  

Jane: May I ask you a question?  

Teacher: Certainly. 

Jane: What’s the English for “наушники”? 

Teacher: The English for “наушники” is “headphones”. Let’s listen to the new 

text. Open your books at page 81. Oh, it is nearly the time for the bell. Put down 

your home assignment. It is Exercise 10 on page 45. 

Julia: Shall we do it orally or in writing? 

Teacher: In writing, please. Our lesson is over. See you on Friday. 


Active Vocabulary 



to be away = to be absent – отсутствовать 



to be present – присутствовать 



transcription – транскрипция 





a little louder – немного громче 



a mistake – ошибка 



to have another try – попробовать еще раз 



to be correct – быть правильным 



a bell – звонок 



to write (=put) down – записывать 



home assignment – домашнее задание 



to be over – закончиться 


Task 8. Translate from Russian into English using your active vocabulary.  

А. 1. Английский язык является международным языком. Он широко 

распространен.  На  нем  говорят  в  Великобритании,  США,  Канаде, 

Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Он также является языком бизнеса, науки и 

культуры. 2. Давайте  начнем  с  фонетических  упражнений.  Включите 

магнитофон, слушайте рифмовки, пословицы и скороговорки и повторяйте 

за диктором хором. 3. Переведите текст 5 с английского языка на русский. 

Если  вы  не  знаете  значения  слов,  посмотрите  в  англо-русском  словаре.      

4.  Будьте  внимательным  на  уроке,  готовьте  домашнее  задание  и  не 

пропускайте занятий. 5. Я люблю составлять диалоги, но я не люблю учить 

их наизусть. 6. Всегда сложно запомнить много новых слов. 7. Вы любите 

писать  диктанты  и  контрольные  работы  по  грамматике? 8. Я  усердно 

занимаюсь  в  классе  и  дома,  потому  что  хочу  читать  английские  книги  в 

оригинале. 9. Повторите  грамматические  правила  и  составьте  диалог  «На 

уроке английского языка». 10. Я готовлюсь к контрольной работе заранее, 

поэтому я хорошо успеваю по английскому. 

В.  1.  Все  присутствуют  на  уроке? – Нет,  Бена  нет.  Он  болеет.              

2.  Давайте  проверим  домашнее  задание.  Джек,  иди  к  доске  и  напиши  в 

транскрипции упражнение 7. 3. Читайте немного громче, пожалуйста. Вот 

так. 4. Попробуйте  еще  раз  прочитать  этот  текст.  Теперь  правильно.          

5.  Посмотрите  на  доску.  Вы  заметили  ошибки?  Спасибо,  идите  на  свое 

место.  Ваша  оценка  «отлично». 6. Сейчас  прозвенит  звонок.  Запишите 

домашнее  задание.  Урок  окончен. 7. Как  по-английски  будет  «Что 



Task 9. Listen to the jazz chants and learn them by heart. 

Sally Speaks Spanish but not Very Well. 

Sally speaks Spanish but not very well. 

When she tries to speak Spanish  

You really can’t tell what language she’s speaking 

Or trying to speak. 

The first time I heard her I thought it was Greek. 





How’s His English? 

His English is wonderful. 

He speaks very well. 

His accent is perfect. 

You really can’t tell that he isn’t a native of the USA. 

He has only one problem – 

He has nothing to say. 





Task 10. The Present Simple Tense. 

A. Make the following sentences negative. Then add the correct 


e.g. The sun rises in the west. – The sun doesn’t rise in the west. It rises in the 


1. Paul McCartney plays football. 2. The Queen lives at 35, Station Road, 

London. 3. Koalas come from Canada. 4. The sun shines at night. 5. In England 

people drive on the right. 

B. Ask questions to the following: 

e.g. I get up at 7. – What time do you get up? 

1. At the weekend I usually go to see a film. 2. The bank opens at 8. 3. My 

mother comes from Spain. 4. My children go to Cherry Hill school. 5. My 

brother works in “Samsung Electronics”. 6. My sister drives a car. 

C. Answer the question about you. Use short answers. 

e.g. Do you smoke? – Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 

1. Do you like reading? 2. Do you sleep much? 3. Do you listen to the radio?    

4. Does your teacher give you much of homework? 5. Does it rain a lot in your 


D. Write the third person singular of the following verbs. 



















E. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Listen 

to the jazz chant “Banker’s Wife’s Blues” and learn it by heart. 

Where ___ John (live)? 

He ___ (live) near the bank. 

Where ___  he (work)? 

He ___ (work) at the bank. 

When ___  he (work)? 



He ___ (work) all day and he ___ (work) all night at the bank, at the bank, 

at the great big bank. 

Where ___  he (study)? 

He ___ (study) at the bank. 

Where ___  he (sleep)? 

He ___ (sleep) at the bank. 

Why ___ he (spend) all day, all night, all day, all night at the bank, at the bank? 

         Because he ___ (love) his bank more than his wife, and he ___ (love) his 

money more than his life. 


Task 11. Adverbs of frequency. 

A. Arrange the words in the correct way: 

1. cinema  you  to  often  go  the  do? 

2. meat  never  eat  I  because  don’t  I  it  like 

3. listen  evening  the  to  parents  radio  the  my  always  in 

4. holiday  how  do  have  often  a  you? 

5. sometimes  restaurant  we  Japanese  go  a  to 

6. for  late  never  am  school  I 

B. Listen to the song “Always” and learn it by heart.  


always walk to work and back. 

never drink my coffee black. 

sometimes run around the track 

And often wear a hat. 

And so does he 

And so does she. 

She always walks to work and back. 

She never drinks her coffee black. 

She sometimes runs around the track 

And often wears a hat. 

We seldom go to the rugby. 

We hardly ever watch TV. 

We occasionally drink green tea, 

Usually at three. 

And so does she 

And so does he. 

He seldom goes to the rugby. 

He hardly ever watches TV. 

He occasionally drinks green tea, 

Usually with me!  






Task 12. Present Simple or Present Continuous. 

A. Choose the correct tense. 

1. I go/am going to work now. Goodbye! 2. I read/am reading a book about 

astrology now. 3. I read/am reading lots of books every year. 4. We go/are 

going to a party on Sunday. 5. Nurses look/are looking after people in hospital. 

6. Annie comes/is coming from Ireland. 7. She comes/is coming for dinner this 

evening. 8. I speak/am speaking four languages. 9. Do you want/Are you 

wanting to go out? 

B. Complete the sentences. More than one answer is sometimes possible. 

want   forget   hate   like   remember   love   realize   understand   belong   own   prefer 

1. This book ___ to me. 2. ___ you ___ this music? 3. His father ___ a lot of 

hotels. 4. She says she ___ to see Fred. 5. I ___ a drink of water. 6. I ___ you 

don’t ___ me. 7. She ___ me and I ___ her. 8. I ___ his face, but not his name. 








(Unit 3) 




Task 1. Learn the names of the days of the week. 

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 

Saturday + Sunday = the weekend (mind: at the weekend). 

What day is it today? – It is Monday or Today is Monday. 


Solomon Grundy (a traditional rhyme). 

Solomon Grundy born on Monday, 

Christened on Tuesday, 

Married on Wednesday, 

Took ill on Thursday, 

Worse on Friday, 

Died on Saturday, 

Buried on Sunday. 

And that was the end of Solomon Grundy! 


Task 2. Read the text “My Daily Programme”. 

Let me introduce myself. My name is … . I am a second-year student of 

Samara State University, the German Department. As I am a student I am very 

busy. Let me describe my ordinary day to you. At half past six my alarm-clock 

rings and it’s time for me to get up. I’m usually lazy to do my morning exercises 

but I like a cold shower in the morning, so I go to the bathroom. I have a 

shower, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I go back to my room to dress 

and make my bed. I brush and comb my hair and at a quarter past seven I have 



breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, an egg and a sandwich. As a 

rule, I have lectures at 8.30 and leave early. I usually take a bus (trolleybus) to 

the university. It never takes me more than 20 minutes to get there and I’m never 

late for my classes. We usually have 3 or 4 classes running a day. These are 

practical lessons, lectures and seminars. During one of the breaks I go to the 

canteen to have a glass of tea and a bun. But if I have to stay at the reading-hall I 

have a substantial meal at the canteen. 

After classes I go home and have dinner. I take a half an hour’s rest 

during which I look through the newspapers and magazines and relax and then 

resume studies. There are always grammar rules to learn, some exercises to be 

done orally or in writing, a chapter or two from the home book to read for my 

German and English studies. But this is not all – I read books for my Literature 

course and get ready for a seminar in one of the subjects. All this makes my 

evenings extremely busy. Of course, I have some breaks for watching TV, 

listening to my favourite music and telephone chats with my friends. If the 

weather is fine I go for a walk to take a breath of fresh air. I also have supper 

with my parents and then I wash up and sweep the floor in the kitchen with a 

broom. By 11 o’clock I usually feel tired and sleepy and go to bed soon after 11 

but more than once I sit up late to prepare for the next day. I like an old English 

proverb, “An early bird catches the worm”. 

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