Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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15. Translate into English: 
1.  Родители часто осуждают образ жизни своих 
2.  Мой двоюродный брат - настоящий трудоголик. 
Он работает даже по выходным и в отпуске. 
3.  В этом семестре у нас нагрузка гораздо больше, 
чем в прошлом. 
4.  Крайний срок сдачи документов на визу - 
следующая пятница. 
5.  У неё гибкий график, поэтому она может 
планировать свой день как пожелает. 
Language Review 
Past Simple and Present Perfect 
16. Choose either the present perfect or the past simple to go into each sen-
tence. Use contractions where possible but only for negatives: haven't, didn't, etc. 
1.  'This is my house.' 'How long have you lived here?' 'I…… (live) here since 
2.  He lived in London for two years and then he………..(go) to Edinburgh. 
3.  When I left school, I cut my hair and ………….(wear) it short ever since. 
4.  Shakespeare  ………….(write) a lot of plays. 
5.  My brother………….(write) several plays. He has just finished his latest. 
6.  I……………..(not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is. 
7.  He…………………..(not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 
8.  Chopin………………(compose) some of his music in Majorca. 
9.  'When……………………………(he/arrive)?' 'He arrived at 2 o'clock.' 
10.  I read his books when I was at school. I…………….(enjoy) them very much. 
11.  I can't go out because I………………………………(not finish) my work yet. 
12.  'I……………………………..(never/drink) whiskey.' 'Well, have some now!' 
13.  Here are your shoes. I……………………..(just/clean) them. 
14.  I left home at 8.00a.m. and I……………………(get) here at 12.00p.m. 
15.  I………………………….(meet) him last June. 

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