Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

Less formal but still professional

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Less formal but still professional 
Kind regards, 
Warm regards, 
not too formal but businesslike 
Best wishes, 
even less formal 
Use with friends and colleagues you feel close to. 

1.  Study the example of a business letter and comment on its style, structure, 
logic and vocabulary. 

Texts for retelling and discussion 
1.  Read the text and retell it: 
Conflict may well be productive in some cases. In any business situation, there are 
often a number of different ideas about the way to proceed. Usually only one way can be 
chosen, so conflict is inevitable. Ideally, airing the different ideas in discussion will lead 
to the best one being chosen. But the process may become political, with an idea being 
defended by the person or group putting it forward after it has become apparent that it is 
not the best way to go, and unwillingness to 'lose face' by abandoning a long· cherished 
idea. There may be conflict between different levels in an organisation's hierarchy or be-
tween different departments, with hostility to ideas from elsewhere -the not-invented-
here syndrome.  
Examples of unproductive conflict include disputes between colleagues or between 
managers and subordinates that go beyond ideas and become personal. Companies can 
spend a lot of time and energy resolving these disputes. In countries with high levels of 

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