Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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7. Find English equivalents: 
1)  компания  номер  один, 2)
отвечать  приоритетам  людей, 3)
безопасный/  безвредный, 4)
гибридный  автомобиль, 5)
сделать  клиентов  удовле-
творенными, 6) прибыльный автопроизводитель, 7)
обязательство перед сообщест-
вом, 8)
взносы  на  благотворительность, 9)
адаптироваться  к  культуре, 10) (меди-
цинское) лечение, 11) инвестиции в сообщество, 12) ориентированная на клиента, 
иметь высокий балл, 14)
тратить на спонсорство. 
8. Translate from English into Russian: 
1. Toyota is the number one company for customer services.
2. Everybody talks about being customer-focused, but few people really know what 
it means. 
3. Environmentally friendly technology is a rapidly growing field that focuses on 
new scientific and technical methods that benefit the earth.
4. I don't know if the auto parts of a hybrid car are the same price as the auto parts 
of just an ordinary car. 
5. Beautiful flight attendants are doing everything to make their clients satisfied 
with the service.
6. See the Bank of the West Commitment to Community Report to learn about our 
support of financial education, workforce development, entrepreneurship and medical 
7. If you intend to make contributions to charity, make sure you are donating to a 
qualified charitable organization.  

8. This report will show you how to adapt to the varied culture of England, Scot-
land, Wales and Northern Ireland.
9. If there is little response to medical treatment or if any complications occur, sur-
gery is necessary.  
10. Porsche, the world’s most profitable carmaker, has announced it will build a 
four-door car, to go on sale next year.  
11.  Have I mentioned every single detail in the graph in order to score highly?  
12. One factor should be considered when determining how much to spend on spon-
13. Nonetheless, you need to know who your customer is before you can begin to 
build a customer-focused business.
14. The Polaris Foundation is dedicated to long-term investment in the communities 
where we live and in which we do business.
15. But in order to own a hybrid car, buyers must first face one of the most common 
problems – the hybrid dealer servicing.

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