Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Steps Involved: 
Purchase a printer with duplex printing capabilities. 
Show employees how to set printer options to print on both sides. 
Communicate the new policy requiring employees to use duplex printing wherever 
Duplex printing would reduce the following costs: paper ($250/month), supplies 
($25/month), and postage ($15/month). 
Duplex printing supports the company’s green initiatives to reduce waste. 
Potential Obstacles: 
The cost of the new printer ($1200). The new equipment would pay for itself within 
five months of use. 
The time associated with setting up employee workstations for duplex printing and 
communicating the new policy to employees (approximately 1 hour per employee). Addi-
tional months of use would offset the costs associated with this hour of lost productivity. 
The resistance of employees to change and follow the new procedures. While there 
will always be those resistant to change initially, this is not a difficult adjustment to 
make. However, management may need to visit the issue with employees who are regu-
larly found not adhering to the new policy. 

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