Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Proposed Solution 
The main objective of submitting a business proposal is to offer a solution to a 
problem faced by a prospective client. This part should be as detailed as possible, and 
able to address each and every need you have discovered. 
Here’s an example: 
The solution that is recommended for Puffin Media Inc. is to deploy their company 
on all of the major social media channels; however, there is a major difference in creating 
social media platforms versus creating a brand you can promote on those platforms. 
A marketing campaign must be created utilizing these media channels and creating 
immediate engagement with your audience. In order for this to be successful, you know 
how to make sales. Initially, acquire some fans, followers, subscribers, and connections 
and invite them to join you in particular discussion or attend a specific event. 
The purpose of this is not only to promote Puffin Media Inc, but also to solicit feed-
back from the target audience. 

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