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Article 3 
1) стоимостью в …; 2) продавать место для рекламы (рекламные площади); 3) 
покупка; 4) броский; 5) набрать денег на; 6) высокая посещаемость; 7) пользоваться 
огромным спросом среди…; 8) тратить деньги на продвижение; 9) широкая кампа-
ния в масс-медиа. 
9.  Translate the following sentences from English into Russian: 
1.  Have you contacted the local officials for the license yet? 
2.  A decade of intense cultivation gave fantastic results. 
3.  This is the second “VW” car dealership in this area and there are crowds of peo-
ple inside – they don’t need intense media coverage to be popular. 
4.  According to the most recent estimates, we are very close to developing the 
working prototype. 
5.  Diversification is the key to long-term competitiveness in any market. 
6.  Hundreds of people were trooping in every day to admire the beautiful new mo-
7.  And what did your decision to join with the competition lead to? 
8.  Trust me, a decade from now nobody will say this was a crazy idea. 
9.  Don’t experiment with the taste your customers know and like – I’m sure this 
will lead to a sharp drop in sales. 
10.  If all goes to plan, we will be the largest company in the fastest-growing con-
sumer market


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