Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Include a schedule and budget. Your proposal represents an investment. In order to 
convince your readers that you're a good investment, provide as much detailed, concrete 
information about your timeline and budget as possible. 
include objectives that are vague, impossible to measure, or don't relate to 
the stated problem. 
detail responsibilities and time commitments on the level of departments or in-
dividual staff. 
When do you envision the project starting? At what pace will it progress? How does 
each step build on the other? Can certain things be done simultaneously? Being as me-
ticulous as possible will give your readers confidence that you've done your homework 
and won't waste their money. 
Make sure your proposal makes sense financially. If you're proposing an idea to a com-
pany or a person, consider their budget. If they can't afford your proposal, it's not an adequate 
one. If it does fit their budget, be sure to include why it's worth their time and money. 

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