Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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State the problem. After the introduction, you'll get into the body, the meat of your 
work. Here's where you should state your problem. If your readers don't know much 
about the circumstance, fill them in. Think of this as the "state of affairs" section of your 
proposal. What is the problem? What is causing the problem? What effects does this 
problem have?[ 
Emphasize why your problem needs to be solved and needs to be solved now. How 
will it affect your audience if left alone? Make sure to answer all questions and cover 
them with research and facts. Use credible sources liberally.  
: rely solely on generic appeals to emotions or values. 
 tie the issue to the audience's interest or mission statement as directly as possi-

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