Ключевые слова: авторская позиция, образ автора, короткий рассказ, проза, концепция, стиль, герой.
Abstract: Umit Tazhikenova one of the brightest writers of Kazakhstan. The author's position is strongly
highlighted in the selection of facts , the author reveals the characters and shows what the problems expressed in the
work. Umit Tazhikenova is representative of women's prose and is currently a problem in the current literature to
identify the author's position is relevant and occupy an important place in the literature Kazahstana. Umit Tazhiken
writer with a distinct personality submitted to National for the world of culture which has no national boundaries, and
her stories are lyrical , mysterious and original vitally connected with the ancient and modern Kazakh culture, as she
writes his works in Russian, but at the same time it includes many Russian Kazakh words and expressions, giving the
works a national calories. The author's position and female characters are represented in scientific concepts
N.N.Nemova, T.Meleshko, L.I.Abdullina, F.E.Ismailova, Yu.Kristeva, A.Yu.Bolshakova, E.V.Ulybina, T.Rovenskaya.
In the works U.Tazhiken have deep understanding of nature as the highest spiritual and aesthetic value allows the author
to reveal the true face of the character. Stories -miniature allows you to access various aspects of life and put at the
center of domestic, social, philosophical voprosy. Pri identifying gender perspective in prose U.Tazhiken an important
role for the study of women's images in terms of the female archetype, that is clearly marked as different sides of the
female archetype namely the description of women of different ages and life energy. W.Umit Tazhiken there are genres
as a short story, a parable, a miniature novel, travel notes. Creativity Umit different Tazhiken her ability to select the
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (49), 2014 ж. 159
exact details and valued and to provide a coherent picture of scattered fragments.