Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған Қазіргі заманғы математика

Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика

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Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика: 
проблемалары және қолданыстары» III халықаралық Тайманов оқуларының 
материалдар жинағы, 25 қараша, 2022 жыл 
To identify the psychological and pedagogical concept of educational activity, which 
can be used as the basis for the development of methods of teaching primary school students to 
solve text problems, focused on the formation of educational activity. Give a methodological 
interpretation of the concept of educational activity. 
To analyze the theory and practice of teaching to solve text problems from the point of 
view of their impact on the formation of educational activities of primary school students. 
To develop and experimentally test a method of teaching primary school students to 
solve text problems, the implementation of which would ensure the purposeful formation of the 
educational activities of younger schoolchildren. 
A methodological approach to learning to solve text problems, consisting of the 
following. Learning to solve text problems is learning: 
knowledge about the tasks, about the stages of solving the problem, about the purpose 
and possible ways (techniques) of implementing each stage; 
the ability to choose and apply techniques for implementing each stage when solving a 
specific task. This learning takes place as a result of an organized and teacher-driven learning 
process. (with varying degrees of direct assistance to children) a sequence of holistic acts of 
educational activity. 
Methods of familiarizing students with the task and its elements, with the process of 
solving the problem; methods of teaching students the techniques (methods) for implementing 
each stage of the solution. The key idea of this method is as follows: the educational activity of 
students when teaching them to solve text problems is an activity, the main and conscious (by 
students) purpose of which is to master the constructive components of the general ability to 
solve problems. Consideration of learning to solve text problems from the point of view of the 
formation and development of educational activities of primary school students allowed: 
determine what knowledge about the task, about the stages of solution, about the 
methods of implementation of each of them should be mastered by children and what techniques 
to learn; 
clarify the concepts of "problem solving", "learning to solve problems", "method of 
solving problems", "self-control in educational activities"; c 
) identify the possibilities of teaching various methods of checking problem solving in the 
formation of self-control of schoolchildren; 
develop a list of possible techniques for performing each stage of the task solution; 
establish the non-identity of the concepts of "methods of teaching problem solving" 
and " methods of solving problems in the classroom»; 
prove that the necessary condition for the formation of the educational activity of 
primary school students in teaching them to solve text problems is the organization of integral 
acts of educational activity; 
to establish meaningful links between the general pedagogical concept of "educational 
task" and the concept of "text task", to clarify some methodological concepts. 
Educational activity is one of the types of activity. The characterization of the concept of 
"educational activity" should therefore be based on a more general concept of activity. In the 
Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the concept of activity is defined as follows: "Activity is a 
specifically human form of active attitude to the surrounding world, the content of which is its 
expedient change and transformation." Activities aimed at obtaining a material product as a 
result of changes in the objects of activity are called practical, and activities aimed at obtaining 
knowledge — theoretical. This division is conditional. These types of activities are interrelated, 
interpenetrate each other, and can pass into each other. For us, it is also important to state the 
philosophy that not only the object (object) to which the activity is directed changes in activity, 

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