В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

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The computer industry is the largest all over the world because 
they are used in all branches of industry and in home life.
The main aim of using a computer is to improve the productivity 
of labour of scientists, designers, managers, accountants, because 
computers offer quick and optimal solutions to the specialists.
The computer can perform a wide range of operations, from 
simple processing data to logical ones, some of them even have 
artificial intelligence.
Usually computers are used in business to optimize the work of 
the administrative staff; to shorten the time of data processing. Now 
computers can perform mathematical operations, such as, addition, 
subtraction, multiplication and division very rapidly. Moreover new 
generation of computers can do new kinds of jobs, for example, they 
are involved in business operation as an essential tool in making 
decision at the top management level. Different operations, namely, 
accounting, billing by banks and insurance companies, operations 
in marketing, in administrative work can not be done without 
using a computer. The only main problem is to protect them from 
viruses and hackers. So today many companies hire highly qualified 
programmers knowing high level programming languages to solve 
such problems.
Послетекстовые упражнения 
(The exercises to be done after reading the text)
Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это не-
1. Computers are used … all branches … industry.

2. The computer can perform different operations … simple 
processing data … logical ones.
3. New generation … computers makes … new kind … job.
4. Such operations as billing … banks, operations … market-
ing, … administrative work cannot be done … a computer.
5. The main problem … computers is to protect them … viruses 
and hackers.

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