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Enlightenment – просвещение, образование, generation - поколение

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Enlightenment – просвещение, образование, generation - поколение
  • In his amazing Book of Words the poet expressed his reflections over a period of years, his searching and discoveries, anxiety and despair, sorrows and joy of revelations, anger and humility. His Book of Words is a deeply meaningful way to truth. The poet tirelessly reminds that humans have the greatest value in the world, and that they should be beautiful and harmoniously perfect. Their souls should also be beautiful, as should their mind, body and feelings. Understanding of the real world and the personal responsibility of everyone in the world – this is what the great poet worked for his art and life. Abai explains that the world is eternal, united and harmonious. Discord, anguish, even death cannot destroy the harmony, for they are natural.
  • Anxiety-беспокойство, тревога, revelation – откровение, humility – скромность
  • Eternal – бесконечный, discord – разногласие,
  • While you are seeking happiness, everybody wishes you well;
  • But once you have attained it, your only well-wisher is yourself
  • Пока ты добиваешься счастья, добра тебе желают все, но как только ты достигаешь цели, твой доброжелатель — лишь ты сам.
  • Who among us have not known trouble? Only the weak lose hope.
  • Nothing in this world is immutable, and misfortune cannot last for ever.
  • Does not the bountiful and blossoming spring follow the harsh winter?
  • Кому из нас не приходилось бывать в беде? Теряет надежду только слабый. Верно, что в мире нет ничего неизменного, но ведь и зло не вечно. Разве после суровой зимы, не приходит полноводная цветущая весна?
  • Word thirty-eight
  • Слово Тридцать Седьмое
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