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Semey Medical University, NCJSC
The relevance of research:
Variations and anomalies of the arterial pattern are 
fairly common. Detailed descriptions of major and minor variations of the arteries of the 
different regions have been reported.
The purpose:
Basically. Any arterial variation can have both morphological and 
clinical significance. The caces reported here may be of significance to angiologists and 
radiologists as well as physicians, surgeons, especially traumatologists and vascular 
surgeons. The findings have a clinical relevance considering the frequency of procedures. 
The majorities of variants and anomalies in the system of blood vessels are caused 
by disturbances in the development of embryonic vascular networks.
The objectives and materials:
Nine formalin 

fixed cadavers of female and male 
sex (3&6) served as the subject of a study. The variant of the vessels of head, neck, upper 
limb and abdominal cavity are investigated and described by the method of anatomical 
The results: 
We discovered the following variants of vessels facial artery moved 
away by common trunk with the lingual artery and completely went to the lower lip and 
the submental region, the transversal facial artery runs accompany with the facial vein 
towards to medial angle of the eye. By the data of literature the same variant in 22% of 
cases and the formation of the linguo
facial trunk in 42% of cases were found. Double 
thyreocervical trunk the absence of the transversal artery of neck were found. Vertebral 
artery entersinto the canal of the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae at the lever of 
4) cervical vertebrae.
The costo
cervical trunk branches into 3 arteries superior intercostal, deep and 
transversal arteries of the neck.
Variations of abdominal vessels are the following the celiac trunk gives only two 
branches splenic and common hepatic arteries left gastric artery moved away 
independently from the abdominal aorta splenic artery gives the sufficiently large branch3
4 mm, which passed behind the pancereas giving branches for it and anastomoses with the 
superior mesenteric artery the middle colic artery is the branch of right colic (3 cases) 
inferior mesenteric artery has one ascending and 2or3 descending branches.
One of the interesting variant of vessels on the upper limb is the double radial 
artery. In this case 2 
radil artery runs accompany with the cephalic vein.
Variants of vessels were found on one side, as well as on both sides.
The variants of vessels, described in this work.it is
useful to know to 
surgeons, to traumatologists, to vascular surgeon, to roentgenologists, just as to the doctors 
of general practice. This is connected with a change of the places of the determination of 
the pulsations of arteries in the connection with their changed pjsition, warning of 
hemorrhages during operational interference. Thus, any versions have high both 
morphological and clinical value. 


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