Ключевые слова: послеродовый эндометрит, гипотонический, инфекционный, балльная таблица
прогнозирования. I. A. Veres, V. I. Belko STUDY OF RISK FACTORS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICT THE OCCURRENCE OF POSTPARTUM UTERINE INFECTIONS AND ENDOMETRITIS The risk factors for the formation of hypotonic and infectious postpartum endometritis have been justified, and a table has been developed for predicting the risk of their occurrence. To substantiate the risk factors for infectious postpartum endometritis, a comparative retrospective clinical and statistical study of risk factors in the groups of puerperas was performed: (1) (58 patients) with infectious postpartum endometritis and the 2nd (58 puerperas) group comparison with the normal course of labor and the postpartum period. To justify the risk factors for hypotonic postpartum endometritis, we conducted comparative retrospective clinical and statistical studies in the 3rd (56 patients) with hypotonic and the same 2nd comparison group with normal delivery and postpartum period. The study was carried out with the help of a consistent statistical analysis of Wald, the definition of Kulbak's information measure. Pathognomonic risk factors for infectious postpartum endometritis have been identified: chronic or transferred inflammatory urogenital diseases, chorioamnionitis clinic, growth of pathogenic flora more than 1×104 cfu/ml (sowing from the cervical canal during pregnancy), emergency cesarean section, prolonged anhydrous time interval, a combination with a purulent colpitis. Pathognomonic risk factors for hypotonic postpartum endometritis have been determined: sexual infantilism; birth after ancillary reproductive technologies; subinvolution of the uterus in previous births; anemia and / or severe gestosis; protracted labor; weakness of labor activity, not corrected by drug stimulation; violation of separation afterbirth; hypotension of the uterus in the postpartum period; hypotonic bleeding.