Ўзбек тили, адабиёти ва фольклори институти ҳузуридаги илмий даражалар берувчи

Implementation of the research results

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Sharipova L avtorefarat

Implementation of the research results. On the bases of the results the 
influence of folklore on written poetry, the role of folklorism in poetry, in light of 
the study of Uzbek poetry in the second half of the 20th century: 
to prove the conditions of stylization of the typical features related to the 
folklore methodical updates in the poetry of the period, and the results on the aspects 
of the emergence of the poetic features were used in the fundamental project of F-
1-06 The Synthesis of East-West Literary Traditions in Uzbek Literature during the 
Independence (Reference of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special 
Education of September 14, 2019№ 89-03-3488). As a result, the study of the 
synthesis of the literary traditions by the impact of the folklore on the written poetry 

conclusions of the study of the synthesis of literary traditions have become the basis 
to the importance of the literature study; 
scientific theoretical conclusions of the study of the interrelation of folklore and 
written poetry, the influence of folklore on the poetics of poetry, some poets and the 
style of poetry of a certain period, justification of mastering the genre of folklore, 
alla, yor-yor, puzzle genres by Uzbek poetry in the second half of the 20th century;
the use of flower shapes such as snowdrop, binafsha in mythology, oral and modern 
poetry, FI-XT-0-19919 was used in the fundamental research project “Uzbek 
mythology and its role in the development of artistic thinking” (Reference of the 
Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of September 14, 2019№ 89-
03-3488,). As a result, it was concluded that the study of the effects of mythology 
and folklore on contemporary poetry should be explored through poetic revival in 
poetry and changes of the world of images; 
the importance of using myths and legends in the process of formation of the 
synthesized folklore to study the importance of using myths and legends in the 
synthesis of folklore, the influence of folklore on poets and a literary period, and 
conclusions on the definition of poetic functions of the attributes of water and fire 
of these images in mythology were used in F1 - FA-0-43429 Fundamental research 
project of “Theoretical Problems of Karakalpak Folklore and Literature” ( reference 
of Academy of Sciences of the Department of August 27, 2019, № 179/1). As a 
result, it is concluded that the study of the influence of folklore on written poetry 
can lead to the development of literature and the study of original features; 
to adapt folk tales into poetic composition, to show that folklore used by poets 
of different periods for poetic purposes; transference of fire attributes such as fire, 
smoke, tandir, oven in the mythology into poetry through folklore and conclusions 
of the study of the comparison of poetic meanings of trees such as pomegranate, 
apple, mulberry, cherry, plum with flowers such as tulip, snowdrop were used in 
the department of Turkish language and literature of Literature faculty of Karabuk 
state university in making academic programs such as “2018-2019-yıl Güz ve Bahar 
dünemleri lisans eğitim programındaki TED 413 “Cumhuriyet dönemi türk 
edebiyatı”, TED 313 “Servet-i fünun Edebiyatı II” (reference of Karabuk State 
University 2019 on September 18). As a result, Turkish professors and students 
expanded the comprehension and understanding of the specifics of contemporary 
Uzbek poetry; 
monograph of “Poetry and Folklore (as an example of Uzbek poetry in the 
second half of the 20th century)”, “Stylization of motive” (“Turk xalqları ədəbiyyatı: 
mənşəyi, inkişaf mərhələləri və problemləri” mövzusunda keçiriləcək Beynəlxalq 
elmi konfransa), scientific and theoretical conclusions of lecture theses of “the 
features of Uzbek literary allas” (Gənc Türkoloqlarin I Türkoloji Qurultayin 90 
illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Müasir türkoloji tədqiqatlar: problem və perspektivlər” 
mövzusunda Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfransа) were used in making academic programs 
and lectures in the subject of “ World Literature” at Baku Eurasian University of 
Azerbaijan ( reference of Baku Eurasian University of Azerbaijan on October 9, 

2019). As a result, students’ knowledge on 20th century Uzbek poetry, its 
relationship with folklore, and poetry analysis increased; 
conclusions about the research work’s part about poetry of the second half of 
XX century acquiring the sound motive and character from folklore, increasing the 
nationalistic features, the genres of folklore as fairy tales, myth, legends were used 
in the, television programs and radio broadcasts such as “Alla”, “Navruz udumlari”, 
“Kadriyat, urf-odat va an’ana”, “Dolzarb mavzu” of telechannel “Buxoro” of the 
national television and radio company of Uzbekistan (Reference of Bukhara 
Regional Television and Radio Company № 176 on July 8, 2019). As a result, there 
was enrichment of the people knowledge that the second half of the twentieth 
century has achieved an ideological and artistic increase in Uzbek poetry; 
conclusions on scientific research work were used effectively in the literary 
and enlightenment events organized by the Bukhara regional branch of the Writers’ 
Union of Uzbekistan, literary and enlightenment events related to the birthday of the 
national writer of Uzbekistan N.Aminov, the national poets of Uzbekistan Jamal 
Kamal, Muhammad Yusuf, as well as poems by S.Barnoev and Sadriddin Salim 
Bukhari, the lectures on the influence of folklore on the creativity of writers, literary 
circles under the department, master-classes, and book presentations. (Reference of 
the regional department of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan № 31, on July 5, 
2019). As a result, it has been shown that modern poetry has been enriched by the 
influence of folklore. 

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