1 Смағұлова Г. Көркем мәтін лингвистикасы. – Алматы: 2010, – 148 б

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Gazezova N. M
Agabekova B.N
The primary source of the dissertation
The primary source of the dissertation
1 Смағұлова Г. Көркем мәтін лингвистикасы. – Алматы: 2010, – 148 б.
2 Қайдар Ә. Қазақтар ана тілі әлемінде. – Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2009, – 784 б.
3 Кенжеахметұлы С. Жеті қазына. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 2003, – 136 б.
4 Майлин Б. Көп томдық шығармалар жинағы. – Алматы: Қазығұрт, 2004, – 456 б.
5 Салғара Қ. Қазақ мәдениетінің рухани кеңістігі. – Алматы: Раритет, 2013, – 400 б.
6 Керімбай С. Салт-дәстүр сөйлейді. – Алматы: Отбасы хрестоматиясы, 2022, – 280 б.
7 Мәуленов С. Таңдамалы шығармалар жинағы. – Алматы: Ғылым, 2001, – 150 б.
8 Мүсірепов Ғ.Таңдамалы шығармалар жинағы. – Алматы: Қаз ақпарат, 2012, – 1120 б.
9 Құнанбайұлы А. Өлеңдер, поэмалар, қара сөздер. – Алматы: Мектеп,2006, – 192 б.
10 Қазақ әдеби тілінің сөздігі. Он бес томдық. 3-том. – Алматы: Арыс, 2011, – 744 б.
Is it prescriptive – telling you what people thought should happen – or descriptive – telling you what people thought did happen?
In the 1st volume of the dictionary, called "Man", it is intended to describe the properties and features of the human being in linguistic science, one of its branches - the personality of the Kazakhs, through words and phrases in the richness of the language
2. Does it describe ideology and/or behavior?
This work is recommended for familiarization and knowledge of the culture and Ethnography of their people. The basis of the book is: forgotten national traditions, customs, language, country and land, history of the country, village breath, education, mystery-nature, Tariqat-appetites, facts and facts.
3. Does it tell you about the beliefs/actions of the elite, or of “ordinary” people? From whose perspective?
This book contains legends and legends that led to the emergence of Kazakh traditions and rituals.
The publication provides a cultural and philosophical analysis of the spiritual, ethical, religious and social values of Kazakh culture, their role in the continuity between historical eras and the present and future of the culture of independent Kazakhstan
4. What historical questions can you answer using this kind of source? What are the benefits of using this kind of source?
5. What questions can this source NOT help you answer? What are the limitations of this type of source?
The work is devoted to the current problem of our time - the revival of Kazakh folk wisdom and the use of it for the education of the younger generation. The role of the Kazakh family and family traditions in raising children is highlighted
6. If we have read other historians’ interpretations of this source or sources like this one, how does your analysis fit with theirs? In your opinion, does this source support or challenge their argument?
This book is written by intellectuals, scientists, specialists and the general public "what kind of people is Kazakh?"this is the final result of many years of research. In the book, stable similes preserved in the Kazakh language and in complex usage, including meaningful similes, are considered as a semantic category

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