1. Толық анатомиялық қалыптарды қандай қалыптық массалармен алады?

өлшемі14,73 Kb.

1. Толық анатомиялық қалыптарды қандай қалыптық массалармен алады?
а) силиконды
б) тиоколды
в) альгинатты+
г) кез келген
д) тек қатты кристаллдылармен
2. Альгинатты қалыптық массаларды атаңыздар:
а) дентафлекс, стомафлекс, экзофлекс 1) а, б
б) стомальгин 2) б, г+
в) репин, сиэласт 3) в, г
г) "ypeen", эластик 4) а, д
д) стенс, дентол, дентафоль, гелин 5) б, в
3.Толық анатомиялық қалыптар қандай қасықтармен алынады:
3)жеке дара
4.Стандартты қасықтың табаны мен қабырғалары тістерден ары тұру керек:
1)1-2 мм
2)3-5 мм+
3)2-4 мм
4)5-7 мм
5)7-8 мм

The introduction of endosseous dental implants into dental practice has opened new perspectives in the prosthetic treatment of partially and completely edentulous patients. Today, it is widely considered that the use of endosseous dental implants has become a routine clinical procedure; the favorable long-term outcomes of dental implant therapy have been acknowledged in the scientific literature, the reported survival rate of dental implants being more than 90% after a follow-up period of at least 5 years.

Several types of prosthetic designs and materials are available nowadays for implant-supported fixed prostheses, depending on their type: interim (provisional) or definitive (final) . The survival rate of implant-supported fixed prostheses is influenced by several factors, such as the prosthesis type, prosthesis retention mechanism, design of the supporting framework, prosthesis manufacturing process, or the length and type of implant ]. The selection of the interim or final prosthetic materials for obtaining the implant-supported restorations is an additional factor to be considered along with the aforementioned variables, as it might play a role in influencing the success-rate of this specific prosthetic treatment.Through the advancements of dentistry, the use of metal–acrylic restorations on implants was replaced with the use of metal–ceramic restorations, in order to overcome the drawbacks of metal–acrylic restorations]. New materials are in use nowadays for obtaining these prostheses, such as monolithic zirconia, ceramic-veneered zirconia, ceramic-veneered titanium, lithium disilicate, hybrid ceramics, milled PMMA (poly (methyl methacrylate)), PEEK (polyether ether ketone), or 3D-printed resins, all of which present revered biological and mechanical properties.

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