Stick to a routine-бедгіленген тәртіпті ұстану. Set yourself a sleep schedule and stick to the routine. Sedentary lifestyle

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1.Early bird-ерте тұратын адам a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time. "he was always an early bird"
2.Stick to a routine-бедгіленген тәртіпті ұстану. Set yourself a sleep schedule and stick to the routine.
3.Sedentary lifestyle-отырықшы өмір салты is a lifestyle type, in which one is physically inactive and does little or no physical movement and or exercise. Another risk factor is a sedentary lifestyle.
4.Alternative lifestyle-балама өмір салты. They maybe want to settle down, or explore alternative lifestyles.
5.Nomadic lifestyle-көшпелі өмір салты. A nomad is someone who lives by traveling from place to place. Nomadic thus means anything that involves moving around a lot. The nomadic lifestyle is likely the oldest form of human society still practiced today.
6.Feel overwhelmed- чувствую себя подавленным I have to admit to feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content.
7.Racing around- айнала жарысу, асығып жүгіру.
8.To go from place to place in a very hurried or frantic manner I have been racing around all morning, trying to get some things done.
9.Keep up with- қадағалау, қалдырмау I had to walk fast to keep up with him. Have no control over - не имеют никакого контроля над, ешкандай бақылау жоқ.We have no control over anything that we do.
10.Take on-алу (кызметкерлікке)-engage an employee.He decided to take her on as store manager.
11. Struggle with-бороться с- күрес A forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack. He has been struggling with the problem of how to keep good workers from leaving
12.Let pile up- жинауға мүмкіндік беру-пусть накопливается If you pile up a quantity of things or if they pile up, they gradually form a pile. He let piled up huge debts.
13. Take time out-возьмите тайм-аут to stop doing what one is doing in order to do something else for a while. He piled up huge debts She took time out from her career to raise her children.
14. Make time for-найдите время для to find time to do something or be with someone in spite of being busy5 I can always make time for an old friend.
15. Penknife-қалта пышағы-перочинный нож You must have secateurs and a penknife.
16. Necklace-ожерелье-алқа Don't ask me to take the necklace to-day.
17. Torch-фонар, светильник. It's very dark, can I have the torch?
18. Indispensable - незаменимый- таптырмас. absolutely necessary-өте қажет. Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives
19. Stunning- керемет extremely impressive or attractive. She looked stunning in that red dress.
20. Groundbreaking-жанашыл- новаторский. Aruzhan opened a groundbreaking project to clean up nature.
21. Flexible- гибкий- икемді. She is so flexible, at one point she can drew 3 pictures.
22. Durable-берік, прочный. It's made of plastic, so it's lightweight, but very durable.
23. Biodegradable- биологиялық ыдыраған. The packaging could be replaced with a biodegradable material or with paper that could be reused
24.Functional - функционалды.of or having a special activity, purpose, or task.I need a functional MRI of his brain.
25. Portable – портативный a small version of something, such as a television, that can be easily carried.Do you have a portable DVD player?
26. Unique- уникальный I can make the living part upstairs something quite unique.
27. Edible- жеуге жарамды. We have to check just to make sure no one's sending you any edibles.
28.novel-роман He was writing a novel which he hoped would make his name.
29. Flimsy - хрупкий, сынғыш Some lighter headphones feel a bit flimsy
30. Clip-on -пристегивающийся, түймелеу. Small frameless mirrors can be mounted to the wall with a small clip on either side.
31. Windmill- жел диірмені. My aunt works in a windmill.
32. Barn- қора He put on his shirt and left the barn.
33. Greenhouse- теплица my grandfather grows tomatoes in a greenhouse.
34. Warehouse - склад, қоймa. He walked back into the dark warehouse to get his things.
35.cave- үңгір, пещера They walked over toward the cave.
36. Shed- сарай The shed was already a heap of embers glowing fiercely.
37. Factory – завод My father, together with his friend, opened a new factory.
38. Cathedral- собор The city 's cathedral is often first on the list for visitors - and with good reason.
38. Cathedral-собор I couldn't find that cathedral you described, online.
39. Temple-храм This is the largest temple that I have ever seen.
40. castle-замок There is a castle in the background of the picture.
41. Shelter-приют, укрытие,убежище, баспана They are in need of food and shelter
42. Mosque- мешіт I heard there was a mosque on campus, so I went to visit it
43. Financing-финансирование, қаржыландыру When you've found the land you want to buy, you'll need to apply for financing.
44. Fundraising-сбор средств, сбор денег So, I've offered to help out with some fundraising
45. Venues-площадки Great venue for weddings or corporate events.
46. Equipment-оборудование,аппаратура, жабдық. You don't need a lot of equipment to set up a production facility.
47. Schedule-график, расписание I have a hectic schedule this week.
48. Logistics-логистика But we have to work out the logistics, which takes time.
49. Promotion-продвижение, развитие, повышение The manager of the bank offered me a promotion yesterday.
50. Publicity-публичность, реклама You're going to get much publicity with this book.
51. Huge chunk- огромный кусок I don't know why it posted such a huge chunk of text.
52. Tragedy struck - случилась трагедия
He was a very active 25-year-old and then tragedy struck.
53. came out of the blue-приходит внезапно,выйти из ниоткуда He came up to me yesterday out of the blue and asked me how I was doing.
54. hint of danger-намек на опасность (сигнал) For the slightest hint of danger to your persons.
55. dangling-свободно висит, еркін ілулі Not one pipe dangling from the ceiling.
56. paddle-ескек,весло He paddled us to shore in his canoe.
57. fit in-вписываться в, сәйкес келу, жарасу
Remove Every Single Thing that does not fit in with your plan.
58. hang out with-тусоваться с I said you couldn't hang out with just your friends. ...
59. clear the air-разрешить все споры, положить конец недоразумениям, татуласу If there has been previous misunderstandings between you, this may be a good time to clear the air and start over.
60. a stormy relationship-бурные отношения They had a stormy relationship and later separated, but never divorced.
61. habitat-мекендеу ортасы You can find spiders in nearly terrestrial habitat.
62. findings- выводы, тұжырымдар I would give them only fourty-five days to report their findings.
63. rainforest- тропический лес This is the tower in the middle of the rainforest, from abov
64. canopy-навес The patio was overhung by a canopy.
65.vegetation -өсімдіктер The species occupies a diversity of habitat and vegetation types.
66. creatures-существа, тіршілік иелері The most spontaneous creatures are children and animals.
67. flash floods- су тасқыны Sudden flash floods can affect all areas at times during the wet season.
68. Rash-сыпь, бөртпе Symptoms include fever and rash, usually lasting several days.
69. bruise-синяк, көгеру I feel a dull pain if I touch the bruise.
70. indigestion-нарушение пищеварения,ас қорыту бұзылысы I like spicy foods but they always give me indigestion.
71. lump-кусок, комок He could feel a lump in his throat. Тогда они могут ощущаться как комок в горле.
72. spots-пятна, дақтар You have a spot on your tie
73. sharp-острый, өткір I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.
74. shrewd-проницательный, хитрый, умный, практичный, зерек These are shrewd observations, well worth raising for debate.
75. brainy-умный She is brainy, but not too much interested in intellectual subjects.
76. silly- глупый He's always asking silly questions.
112. bungalow- Бунгало,коттедж, одноэтажный дом.a low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.Example: Do you want a single-story bungalow or do you want a multi-floor townhouse in the city?
113.utility room-подсобное помещение. a room, especially in a house, where large pieces of useful equipment such as a washing machine can be kept and where things can be stored.Example: The separate utility room has a tumble dryer, an automatic washing machine and space to store decorations for holiday

114. shed-сарай. a simple roofed structure used for storage of garden tools, to shelter animals, or as a workshop.Example:David built us a shed in the back yard.

115. cellar- подвал. a room under the ground floor of a building, usually used for storing things.Example: This house has a large cellar which is excellent for storage.
116. porch-крыльцо. a covered structure in front of the entrance to a building. Example: The front porch held pots of flowers, all looking healthy and strong.
117. remote-далекий. Far away in distance. Example:Australia is large, and remote from the great centres of population of the world.
118. corkscrew-штопор, спираль.a device for removing corks from bottles, that consists of a handle with a twisted metal rod to push into the cork and pull it out. Example:The bartender removed the cork from the bottle with a corkscrew.
119. peeler-овощечистка. a knife or device for removing the peel from fruit and vegetables. Example:This I did by using a peeler, being careful not to cut my hands.
120. hanger-вешалка.a shaped piece of wood, plastic, or metal with a hook at the top, from which clothes may be hung in order to keep them in shape. Example:Place the hanger in an area where the garment can hang freely to dry.
121. grater-терка. a device having a surface covered with holes edged by slightly raised cutting edges, used for grating cheese and other foods. Example:Grate the cheese on a kitchen grater and add it to the soup.
122. Socket-розетка. an electrical device receiving a plug or light bulb to make a connection. This socket only accepts a two-pronged plug.
123. pipe-труба. a tube used to convey water, gas, oil, or other fluid substances. Example:Water is brought into our houses through pipes.
124. leaking-протечки, вытекающий. accidentally losing , from container especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack. Example: Water was leaking from the pipe. The petrol in the tank is leaking out.
125. smashed-разбитый, разрушенный, раздавленный. violently or badly broken or shattered. Example: The glass fell and was smashed into pieces.
126. cracked- треснувший. damaged and showing lines on the surface from having split without coming apart. Example: There was a cracked mirror on the table. He smiled, showing a cracked tooth.
127. chipped-расщепленный. damaged by having a small piece broken off at the edge or on the surface. Example:A chipped bone in his ankle had required surgery.

128. twisted-скрученный. forced out of its natural or proper shape. His mouth twisted into a bitter smile.

129. bumped- врезавшийся, столкнувшийся, стукнувшийся. to hit something with force. Example: I bumped my head on the shelf as I stood up.
130. mislaid- затерявшийся, жогалып калган. things that have been lost, but only temporarily. You might end up finding your lost things. Example: I seem to have mislaid my keys. I mislaid my purse again.
131. spilt- пролитый. Төгілген. cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally. Example: I tried to soak up most of the spilt milk with a cloth.
132. stain- пятно. a small round or roundish mark, differing in colour or texture from the surface around it. Example:Mary dabbed at the stain on her skirt.
133. dented- помятый, вдавленный. to make a small hollow mark in the surface of something. Example: The back of the car was badly dented in the car accident.
134. earthquake-землетрясение. a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action. Example:Today most of the government buildings have been destroyed by the earthquake.
135. flood-наводнение. an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land. Example:The flood swept away many homes.
136. drought-засуха. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. Example:That year, there was a serious drought in the region.
137. volcano-вулкан. a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava ,gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out. Example:Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside.
138. famine-голод. extreme scarcity of food. Example:Many people die of famine every year.
139. epidemic-эпидемия. a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Example:High mortality rates are usually linked with war and epidemics.
140. major accident-крупный несчастный случай. means an incident involving loss of life inside or outside the establishment or ten or more injuries inside and/or one or more injuries outside . Example: There was a major accident last night .
141. hurricane- ураган. a violent wind that has a circular movement. Example:The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious damage.
142. tornado-торнадо. a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground. Example: Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado.
143. civil war- гражданская война, азамат согысы. a war between citizens of the same country. Example: Last night there were warnings of civil war.
144. erupted- (erupt) извергающиейся, атқылап жатқан( сын е.) извергаться, атқылау.( етістік) .break out suddenly and dramatically. Example:The volcano erupted with tremendous force.
145. spread-распространение. extend over a large or increasing area. Example:He was fed-up with the lies being spread about him.
146. casualties- жертвы, құрбан. a person killed or injured in a war or accident. Example:Children were among the first casualties in the war.
147. victims-жертвы. a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. Example:He was a victim of racial prejudice.
148. survivors- выжившие, құтқарылғандар, тірі қалғандар. a person who survives, especially a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died. Example:Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash.
149. refugees- беженцы, қашқындар. a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. Example:They have acquired refugee status.
150. migrants- мигранты. a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions. Many migrant workers can afford to return home only once a year.

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