Напишите свои собственные примеры для правил заглавных букв 3 Попросите своего учителя помочь вам с правописанием или воспользуйтесь словарем

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Write your own examples for capitalization rules 3-6. Ask your teacher for help with spelling, or use a dictionary.
Rule 3
a queen Queen Noor
a president President Tokayev
a doctor I am a doctor
Rule 4
A language I sing in German, Latin, Russian, even Swedish and Hebrew.
a nationality He is an Italian.
a religion He is a Muslim.
Rule 5
a school subject without a number history Russian history
a college class with a number Psychology 101
Rule 6
a street 14 Auezov Street
a city or town a big city New York. Visit the town of Lindos
a state the United States of America
a country My native country is Kazakhstan. The United Kingdom.
a sea or an ocean the Pacific Ocean
an island I would like to visit Greenland, the largest island on the Earth. The Seychelles are a group of islands in Indian Ocean.
a lake Lakę Titicaca England
a river Amazon River New York City
a park Metallurgists Park in Ust-Kamenogorsk
a square South America Times Square

задача 2

Напишите свои собственные примеры для правил заглавных букв 3-6. Попросите своего учителя помочь вам с правописанием или воспользуйтесь словарем.

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