Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the Term 4 Task Reading. Задание Чтение

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Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the Term 4
Task 1. Reading. Задание 1. Чтение.
Прочитайте предложения. Подберите четыре предложения, которые описывают данную картинку.

A) It is sunny and hot. B) Children are swimming in the river.

C) Children are skating and skiing. D) It is cold and snowy.
E) People celebrate New Year. E) Children wear shorts and T-shirts.
F) It is cloudy and raining. G) Children wear their hats and scarves.

Total [4]

Task 2. Use of English. Задание 2.
Подберите личные местоимения к выделенным словам.
1)My Daddy can drive a car. _______
2) Kate can dance. ______
3) Rabbits can hop. ________
4) A school bus is yellow. ______
Total [4]
Total [8]

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