instruments of banking services market.
Resources that are in movement (moving financial
resources from the suppliers to recipients,
accompanied and mediated by banking services)
acquire signs of capital - self-growing value [7, p.
27]. In other words the referred mediation
function reduces to the transformation of surplus
financial resources, often sedentary in investment
capital, the demand for which almost always
outweighs supply. The point is that the financial
resources released at particular stages of the
reproductive process, with the help of banking
services market as part of the financial market
are directed to other sectors of the financial
system, which, as V.D. Bazylevych indicates,
accelerates the circulation of capital, contributes
to the progressive adjustment of the structure of
production, creates opportunities for new
technologies. [1, p. 8]. The banks as financial
intermediaries that act as producers and
consumers of different banking products, "delay"
surplus funds from the consumer market in favor
of long-term investment in the real economic
sector and facilitate the exchange of goods and
services, acting as generator of expanded
economic reproduction [4, p . 90].
Thus, the banking services market plays an
important role in economic development both at
micro and the macro level. In particular, the
function of the consolidation of individual
investors who are often unprofessional market
participants into a single pool and following
diversified investment of accumulated capital in
various projects with prospective capitalization
have a considerable microeconomic value because
they enable individual investors to participate in
large projects and minimize the risks associated
with the presence of asymmetric information on
the market [2, p. 94; 7, p. 19].
However, along with the satisfaction of
economic needs of individual clients (suppliers
and users of financial resources), general
macroeconomic issues are resolved as a result of
cross-sectoral and inter-regional redistribution
of capital except the commercial benefits. In
particular, redistributing capital between key
sectors of the economy, the banking services
market provides servicing of the creation process
of the national product and assists in realization
of the policy of economic growth in the country.
It is also important to note that at the current
stage of the growth of the world economy the
functions of the banking service market have
reached far beyond the traditional (natural)
accumulation and redistribution of financial
resources. Today, its main task is to stimulate
spillovers of financial flows in the most effective
and promising sectors of the economy in
compliance with the needs and dominants of
socio-economic development to ensure expanded
reproduction of the economy and welfare growth
of citizens, which leads to increased significance
of social functions of banking services.
Summarizing the abovementioned, it is
necessary to determine such basic functions of
banking services market:
1) Mediation, which is to bring together
individual economically independent suppliers
and consumers of financial resources, which in
most cases are dispersed in time and
geographically into a single system. The banks as
financial intermediaries on the market realize
their role primarily through the deposit, lending
and payment transactions, which ensure linkages
with all economic entities and provide the
opportunity to influence the greatest part of
economic processes.
2) Investment, associated with an effective
absorption of monetary flows and transformation
of financial resources into investment and loan
financing instruments of the real economy [4, p.
94] that contributes to the growth of social capital
in the macroeconomic aspect.
3) Information, that is to overcome
asymmetric information. It is well known that
market actors, particularly in the transformation
economy, do not have full information about the
market and forced to act under the terms of
uncertain, incomplete or asymmetric information,
which does not allow making optimal decisions
about the transaction agreements. The banks as
financial intermediaries on the banking service
market negate the inconvenience and risks of
asymmetry of information to its customers while
providing the latest relevant services.
4) Social, which consists in the fact that
acting in the interests of all participants of social
and economic relations, the banks ultimately
directly or indirectly affect the satisfaction of
various consumer's and industrial needs. Banking
institutions implement policies of participation
in solving social problems according to two
strategies - the direct impact (ensuring such
conditions in which representatives of many
community groups would have an opportunity
to solve problems of their own well-being) and
by promoting changes in meeting needs and
providing development (providing loans to
enterprises specializing in the production of
consumer goods, and other economic actors in
order to preserve jobs and maintain the level of
profitability of employees) [13]. The role of
banking services market in addressing significant
social issues is inextricably linked with the
development of banking services on the markets
of consumer and mortgage lending, because the
consumer credit stimulates the expansion of
consumer goods market and improves people's
5) Regulation function, consists in ensuring
the equilibrium in the market through the
harmonization of supply and demand for
financial resources. Due to the scale of activity and
portfolio asset management, banking institutions
harmonize relations between suppliers and
consumers of capital, eliminate imbalance
2 (28) • 2013
between supply and demand for available funds
redistribution of resources. Supply and demand
are balanced under such terms in space and time.
Summarizing the abovementioned, it should
be noted that one of a generalized indicators that
confirm the level of institutional development of
the economy, is the degree of financial
intermediary institutions, the main purpose of
existence of which by the modern theory of
financial intermediation is to overcome market
fluctuations and reduce costs in the sharing of
information and capital between economic
Thus the driving force of social and economic
growth at the present stage is the development of
the banking services market. The point is that
implementing its functions by providing services
to different categories of customers, banks
accumulate temporarily free funds to the market
players and organize their inter-sectoral, cross-
sectoral, interregional and cross-regional
redistribution, thus ensuring the continuity of the
process of expanded reproduction and circulation
of capital in the economy.
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Yuriy I. Ossik
Imitation as a tool of economic expansion under modern conditions of social and economic development is
considered. Examples of data telling about successes of imitation activity of firms in general and particularly about
development of elements of its infrastructure are cited. They offer to develop the imitation branch of applied economics
at the interface with both the theory and practice of jurisprudence.
Key words: expansion, imitation, competition, scientific financial resources of the world, patent trolls.
Lit. 19.
Осик Ю.И.
Қазіргі әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамытудың экономикалық экспансия құралы имитация ретінде
қарастырылған. Кәсіпорындардың имитациялық қызмет және оның инфрақұрылым элементтерін дамыту
нәтижелерінің куәландыруы. Заңнамалық теория мен тәжірибенің қолданбалы экономикалық ғылымға
имитациялық бағытты дамыту ұсынылған.
Түйінді сөздер: экспансия, имитация,бәсекелестік, халықаралық ғылыми қаржылық ресурс, патенттік троли.
Әд. 19.
Осик Ю.И.
Рассмотрена имитация как инструмент экономической экспансии в современных условиях социально-
экономического развития. Приведены данные, свидетельствующие об успехах имитационной деятельности
фирм и развитии элементов ее инфраструктуры. Предложено развивать имитационное направление в
прикладной экономической науке на стыке с теорией и практикой юриспруденции.
Ключевые слова: экспансия, имитация, конкуренция, мировые научные финансовые ресурсы, патентные
Лит. 19.
1 candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, senior scientific employee at SRI of New
economy and system analysis, Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda
In the end of August, 2012 the jury trial at a
city of San Jose, CA returned the South Korean
manufacturer of smartphones Samsung guilty of
infringement of six patents of Apple Inc., having
obliged to pay over 1 billion dollars as
compensation. It is one of the most dramatic
episodes of the global corporate war which has
been going on in high technologies area for three
decades by now. It is not just a war to get multi-
billion profits - its outcome will define what our
everyday life will be like for many years ahead.
In a broad sense one can call a corporate war
any competition in the market, in a narrower one
- only that, which deals, not only with the further
expansion and the strengthening of the positions,
but also with undermining work against
competitors, whether it is to oust them from the
market by governmental lobby, pirating of high
quality experts, industrial espionage or
Expansion - a widespread term, an ordinary
mind can understand - derived from Latin
expansio (spreading out, widening) - territorial,
geographical or other widening of a habitation
area, or a zone of influence of an individual state,
nation, culture or biological species [1].
In Russian language the concept of expansion
is closely connected with the concept of alive.
Concerning lifeless objects the concept of
expansion was not applied earlier. Unlike Russian
in the European languages the word expansion
can be also applied to lifeless objects (for example,
in English, German and French languages this
term means expansion of universe). Recently there
are calques (mainly of English terms) in Russian
language when the concept of expansion is also
applied to lifeless objects - economic, fiscal
Expansion of economy is spreading out of
activity of economic subjects in economic area,
expansion of economic relations. The stimulus to
economic expansion is the pursuit of profits in
fierce competition for outlets, sources of raw
material, profitable capital investment areas. In
modern conditions the economic expansion takes
on a form of searching and struggle for niches in
the international division of labour, in the world
markets. [2].
Possibilities of commercial expansion are
widened owing to occurring nowadays
liberalization of trade of goods and services,
breaking down of customs barriers, removal of
quantitative restrictions in trade between
countries. In the early nineties the average world
level of import duties was 9, 6 % in comparison
with 50-60 % in 1947.
Transnational corporations (TNC) become the
main agents of the economic expansion but for
УДК 339.9(075.80)
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the last decades the first positions have been taken
by transnational banks (TNB). Their expansion,
on the one hand, facilitates the increase of rates
and levels of economic development of lagging
countries, but on the other - strengthens
disproportions in development of these countries
and lagging of rates of their development from
rates of development of the advanced countries.
In developing countries they allocate enterprises
producing mainly labour-intensive goods of
primary treatment, and also assembling facilities
using cheap labour and allowing receiving a low
added cost. The main tool of the economic
expansion is direct foreign investments. During
1985-1995 their volume has amounted from 60
bln. dollars to 315 bln. dollars. The stream of direct
foreign investments is directed not only to
developing but to the developed countries too.
Such an example can be expansion of the Japanese
capital to the economy of the USA [2].
Despite importance of the economic expansion
in development of global economy and a distinct
concretization of this process, distribution of the
term "expansion" is stretched in larger degree to
political sphere, and in economic science this
phenomenon began to be studied rather recently.
The author of so far the only monograph in the
Russian-speaking literature B. N. Shaptalov
supposes that "for the majority of the people living
during Soviet period, the expansion, most likely,
has a negative shade of meaning associating it
with "imperialistic aggression" [3, p. 4]. Further
the author notices, that "although economic
expansion is spread to the whole global economy
and vital activity of almost any society depend
on expansionists, this phenomenon, its
regularities, its nature, at least in our country
(Russia) for unknown reasons any analytical
work is not devoted to. Economic expansion is
mostly treated as self-evident phenomena, equal
to competition. Indeed the competition is one of
properties of economic expansion and in many
ways, scope and manifestation of competitive
struggle among players of the market is defined
by their aspiration to expansionist seizure of the
largest part of the market" [3, p. 4].
Further B.N. Shaptalov offered two weighty
arguments proving that the notion of expansion
was wider than the notion of competition.
1. The concept of "player of market" from the
position of competition is applied only to
manufacturers and providers of goods and
services, whereas economic expansionists can be
institutes without its own production but
nevertheless actively influencing the markets, for
example, governments.
2. Starting from a definition in an economic
dictionary of economic expansion as "widening
of economic influence of a country, concern or
firms by ousting other countries and firms,
capturing of markets, acquiring of resource
sources", it is possible to conclude that economic
expansion appeared earlier - before the developed
forms of competition were established - in
antiquity, when ancient Greeks and Phoenicians,
solving a problem of food supply of their polises,
began to establish the first colonies on foreign
coasts. Economic expansion not always assumes
ousting of competitors - they can be absent there
as there were no European and American firms in
Africa or Indochina up to the end of the XIX
century [3, p. 4-5].
M. Porter thinks that the only thing what the
competitiveness concept can be based on at a
country level is an efficiency of use of resources
[4, p. 24]. "That is necessary to rationally use own
resources is obvious, and this statement does not
give a key to solve the problem - B.N. Shaptalov
continues. - As world practice of the prosperous
countries shows, competitive ability of virtually
any country is solved not only by means of an
effective use of own possibilities, but also by
involvement of foreign resources. This way of
solution of internal problems at the expense of
external sources is expressed in capital export,
outsourcing of a part of manufacture abroad,
buying up of assets of companies in other
countries, etc.".
While considering the economic expansion
with regard to the post-Soviet countries it is
necessary to answer a question, what forms of
expansionist potential is better use to reduce the
gap between developing countries and the
countries with transforming economy, on the one
hand, and with the advanced countries, on the
other hand? The common sense logic suggests that
it is necessary to develop economy based on "high
tech" - modern achievements of science and
technology, introduction of innovations that
allows receiving higher added cost at selling in
comparison with selling of traditional industrial
and agricultural products. However world
experience also tells us that on carrying out of
researches and development activity to create
innovative products and then to advance them to
the market, one needs huge means which
developing countries often lack for.
A. Koshanov notes that "the leading countries
of the world are guided today by the fifth
(network, information) technological way" [5, p.
154]. According to the program of industrial and
innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2003-
2015 the five priorities of scientific and
technological development of the republic have
been defined. These are information and space
technologies, nanotechnology and new materials,
biotechnologies, nuclear and technologies of
renewable power engineering, new technologies
for hydrocarbon and mining and smelting sectors
and the service branches connected with them.
Let's look briefly at what it will be like in a
context of world scientific financial resources.
Predictive figure of global expenses on research
and development in 2011 was equal $1, 2 trillion.
In the world 4 main centres of scientific progress
have emerged - the USA (35 % of world expenses