Zh.M.Kultanova, Zh.А.Yeskazinova
Вестник Карагандинского университета
communication, orienting students to the «entry» into a different cultural environment. For such studying is
characterized, first of all, non-traditional forms to conduct the classes.
Specialized foreign language secondary schools designed to create in students a wider compared to the
main school, communicative and intercultural competence within the
studied areas of communication, as
well as disciplines and special courses read in the language being studied. As a rule, the graduates of special-
ized foreign language secondary schools for the most part continue their studies in the field with knowledge
of foreign languages, occupy a worthy position at the state service, and require a
high level of foreign lan-
guage studying. This fact demonstrates the need to expressions of interest in expanding the company net-
work of specialized schools with advanced studying of foreign languages and the creation of adequate condi-
tions for their successful functioning.
Studying a foreign language in a cultural context is the relevant problem of our time. In recent decades
both in theory and practice of foreign language teaching there are the changes associated with the intensify
the search for new approaches for teaching and learning the language. At foreign
language lessons there is a
peculiar specificity which the teacher of a foreign language can not be ignored. At present, the global goal of
mastering a foreign language is introduction to the different culture and participates in the dialogue of cul-
tures. This goal is achieved through the formation of the ability to cross-cultural competence. That teaching
organized on the basis in the nature of the communicative tasks studying a foreign language communication,
using all the
necessary tasks and techniques, is the distinctive feature of the language classes [12].
Formation and development components’ of socio-cultural competence provides students the opportuni-
ty to look about the socio-cultural linguistic environment:
predict the possible socio-cultural interference in intercultural communication and how to resolve
adapt to a foreign environment, skillfully following the canons of the civility cultural environment
showing respect for the traditions, rituals and lifestyle of another cultural
society representatives;
provides the basis for further development of varieties of socio-cultural competence to the profession-
ally-profile nature;
implementation of self-study in other countries, folks and cultural communities;
mastering the ways of presenting their culture in a foreign environment, socio-cultural
in any other, previously studied areas of direct and mediated communication.
Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that the real intercultural communication as a form of
communication between of difficult languages and cultures is realized to the fullest extent and effectiveness
when the process of preparing for that, it has the important part compared to native culture
with the culture
of the target language.
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