№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

Development of students’ socio-cultural competence studying

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Development of students’ socio-cultural competence studying
at specialized foreign language secondary schools 
This article contains the basic principles of students’ socio-cultural competence studying at specialized for-
eign language secondary schools. The concept of «socio-cultural competence» is regarded as the formation of 
skills to present the native culture and the culture of a foreign language in intercultural communication, the 
assimilation of the national and cultural component in the learning of a foreign language as a basic condition 
of students familiarizing to the culture of the target language country. There are the methodical principles of 
socio-cultural education, such as the principle of cultural conformity, the principle of cultural reflection, the 
principle of the dialogue of cultures. 
Key words: national heritage, values, specialized foreign language secondary school, principles of socio-
cultural competence, dialogue of cultures, socio-cultural education, the carrier of native language, teaching of 
the target language, principle of cultural variability, and principle of cultural reflection. 
Now it is generally recognized that a foreign language should be taught at the primary school. Social 
transformations taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan established the certain conditions for restructur-
ing processes in the education system. Education at the modern school is aimed to solve the following prob-
lems. First of all, schools must equip students’ strong and deep knowledge of the principles of science; sec-
ondly, it is obliged to prepare their graduates for their life. They form the most important skills necessary for 
inclusion in the various spheres of the social life. 
Development of business and personal contacts, expanding and the strengthening economic and cultural 
ties between the peoples, put forward before the school to the fore the problem of the education, the main 
asset of which are universal culture and human values. This problem is directly related to the problem of un-
derstanding people to find common ways to implement progress. One of the possible solutions to this prob-
lem could be the humanization of education that is the communion of students to the cultural heritage and 
spiritual values of their people and other peoples of the world. A special role to this belongs to a foreign lan-
guage, through which the direct and indirect foreign cultural dialogue and mother tongue, became one of the 
main things in the modern concept of education. 
As an essential element of the culture of a people — the carrier of language and means of communica-
tion it to others, the foreign language contributes to the formation of personality and social adaptation to the 
ever-changing multicultural and poly-lingual world. The foreign language extends the linguistic, socio-
cultural horizons of students, fosters a culture of communication, and contributes to the overall speech de-
velopment. This reflects the interaction of all language subjects contributing to build the foundations of stu-
dents’ education.  
The main objective of foreign language teaching at secondary schools and specialized foreign language 
secondary schools is the development of students’ individuality in close communication due to the teaching 
of the target language in the culture of the country contributing to desire in participation in intercultural 
The process of the socio-cultural competence and its formation is able to increase the motivation of stu-
dents for studying of a foreign language that will enhance to the quality of their knowledge. 
In Kazakh methodological science the cooperation of language and culture is considered in the works 
by S.S.Kunanbayeva. Developed in the native methodological science, the methodology of lingo-cultural of 
modern foreign language education puts forward as the goal of education in the formation of the «subject of 
intercultural communication», while «the language and culture are as an integral part in the process of cogni-
tion» [1]. 
The need to create the conditions for improving the quality of knowledge has led to the search for the 
new and effective ways of reforming to the teaching of cognitive activity taking into the account of the cur-
rent requirements for students’ education. Based on the experience there is the process of students’ socio-

Development of students’ socio-cultural… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015 
cultural formation which promotes the development of creative activity and improvement of knowledge 
Socio-cultural competence is the capacity and willingness to participate in the dialogue of cultures of 
intercultural communication based on principles of cooperation, respect, tolerance of socio-cultural differ-
ences and overcoming of cultural barriers [2]. 
There is a natural treasure of the socio-cultural component in the content of studying a foreign lan-
guage. This component consists of cultural areas like science and art, history and religion, national parks, 
historical parks and others. 
Russian researcher P.V. Sysoyev divides the content of socio-cultural competence in foreign language 
education in three areas: means of socio-communication, national mentality and national heritage [3].
In the definition «socio-communication» P.V. Sysoyev includes a set of methods and means of oral and 
written speech in specific culture of language, pantomime (sign language), and written communication
Under the national mentality P.V. Sysoyev implies the way of thinking representatives of a particular 
culture that defines its behavour and the expectation of such by others.
National treasure is a kind of national and cultural background of knowledge in concepts of cultural 
studies representating the value. In this case are meant (which were said above) such cultural areas like sci-
ence and art, history and religion, national parks, historical parks
Directions of a socio-cultural component can be represented as a scheme:
Scheme. Socio-cultural component of studying content 
The list of background knowledge which the student must acquire in the course of socio-cultural com-
petence according to the researcher I.F. Savel’yeva is the next: 
 knowledge in the characteristic of verbal and non-verbal behavior; 
 knowledge of the country; 
 knowledge of precedent texts which owns the typical educated native language being studied; 
 knowledge of the national and social symbolism including national symbols in specific figures and 
members, shades of colours, items of clothing, jewelry, gifts, signs and superstitions [4]. 
The unit of universal formation of knowledge component is a component of the concept as the basic 
unit of culture, as a unit of the conceptual system of the individual, reflecting the rank and the experience. 
Practice proves that an important role in the process of mastering the culture plays the mentality, because the 
culture is reflected by the human consciousness and only then fixed to a certain linguistic form or a structure. 
Mentality has another component-the cultural self-determination, which may include the aforementioned 
general situational characteristics. Cultural self-determination under the commonly is understood as a sense 
of identity of its place in the spectrum of cultures and purposeful activity to be included among themselves to 
a particular cultural group. 
In this way the mastering of a foreign language culture involves learning not only cultures of the rele-
vant factors, but also the specific mentality of native speakers. The main condition for the success of the pro-

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