Инновациялық технологияларды қолдану…
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015
G.S.Ashimhanova, A.S.Kudarinova, N.A.Sadvakasova
The role of innovative technologies in correctional work to remedy
zvukoproiznoshenija children with disabilities
This article describes the innovative technologies in correctional work to remedy zvukoproiznoshenija chil-
dren with disabilities. Also in the features of the application of information and
communication technologies
and the improvement of pedagogical skills. Currently, there is a growing increase in
the media - innovative
technologies for human, especially strong effect on the child who is with great pleasure watching TV than
reading a book, a powerful flow of information, advertising, distribution
of video game consoles, electronic
toys and computers has a great influence on his perception of the world.
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Violations of writing speech and their overcoming for junior schoolchildren, Мoscow: Vlados, 1997, 256 p.
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G.F. Coumarinа, M.S. Vainer, Yu.N. Viyunkova et al., under edit. G.F. Coumarina, Мoscow: Academy, 2003, 320 p.
3 Ignat’eva S.А.
Education and educating of children with violations in development, 2006, 6, p. 3–7.
4 Bases of speech therapy work with children / Under edit. G.V. Shircina, Moscow: Arkti, 2002, p. 240.
5 Luria A.R.
Reading-book on logopedi, Мoscow: Vlados, 1997, 2, p. 326–333.
УДК 378.147
, Н.А.Шакина
, Н.Р.Рамашов
Сибирский государственный университет физической культуры и спорта, Омск, Россия;
Карагандинский государственный университет им. Е.А.Букетова
(E-mail: gena41@mail.ru)
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