№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

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1. What forms of politeness do you use? 
a) special words (ex. please, etc.) 
b) special constructions (ex. could you..., wouldn't be you so kind...) 
c) both of them 
2. How will you ask for something from: 
a) an unknown person (ex. asking time, way, etc.) 
b) your close friend (ex. asking help in organizing party, etc.) 
c) your relatives 
3. What does «politeness» mean for you? 
This survey was uploaded to the web-sites Facebook, American Chat-Room and British Chat-Room. 
The answer are various though having some ideas in common.
The first question: 
1. What forms of politeness do you use? 
a) special words (ex. please, etc) 
b) special constructions (ex. could you..., wouldn't be you so kind...) 
c) both of them 
Having analyzed the responses one can say that 64% of the respondents use special words, 26% — spe-
cial constructions and 10% — both special words and constructions. It is shown in Diagram 1. 
D i a g r a m 1
From this diagram we can see that the Britons and the Americans mostly use special words like please, 
thank you, you are welcome to express politeness. 
As for the special constructions the following were pointed out: Could you…, Couldn’t you…, Wouldn’t 
It is interesting to notice that the use of constructions was stressed mostly by the respondents from 
Great Britain. It can be assumed that for Britons it is important to use not only one word to show their polite 
attitude to somebody but the whole constructions. 
The second question: 
2. How will you ask for something from: 
a) an unknown person (ex. asking time, way, etc.) 
b) your close friend (ex. asking help in organizing party, etc.) 
c) your relatives 
Let us quote some of the answers to this question to illustrate the concept of politeness in English: 
Sorry, what’s time now? Could you tell me the time? Excuse me, can you show me the way to the near-
est shop? I’m sorry, tell me please where I can buy a book. Excuse me, where can I have a snack? 
In most of the responses the initial word was can, with please also mentioned
3. What does «politeness» mean for you? 
Some of the responses can give a good insight into the matter. Almost all the respondents characterized 
not the word ‘politeness’ bur a polite person.
Doing this the British respondents mostly mentioned that a polite person shows consideration, respect 
for other people; courteous, respectful, considerate and sensitive towards other people; thoughtful of others; 

Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015 
thinking of others; who is aware of 
rion was named by more than 50% 
teristics (39%): 
A polite person is s
people; a person who uses manners
characteristics (11%): a polite person
Percentagewise it looks as follo
The final step in the data proce
by 154 people and their responses w
In this work a direct cognitive
that with this method all the associa
in their semantic content are united
most stylistically neutral word is cho
The following groups of cognit
Courteous 58: who says «pleas
in a socially correct way 9; 
Tactful 51: show consideration
1, who is aware of other people 4; 
Respectful 35: respect for other
Friendly 2: pleasant 1, friendly
Kind 6: sensitive toward others
Reserved 2: calm and cool 1, re
Respondents from Russia were
1. Write your immediate associat
2. Describe a polite person.
About 50 citizens of Russia 
Vkontakte, the most popular social n
1. Write your immediate associat
sults are presented at Diagram 3. 
The results suggest that politen
person. For the Russians respect is t
main characteristic feature of politen
The conclusion can be made t
others) while Russian politeness is s
other people; often use the words «please» and «
of the informants). One response contained a rep
someone, who says «please» and «thank you» an
s, says «please» and «thank you». Only a few r
n is 
reserve), tactfulcalm and coolfriendlykind
ows in Diagram 2: 
essing was their cognitive interpretation. The last
were interpreted.
e interpretation of associated was employed. It i
ates are interpreted including the single ones. As
d into an integral cognitive descriptor which is f
osen as a name for the formulated cognitive descr
tive descriptors became evident: 
se» and «thank you» 23, who uses manners 7, cou
n 12, considerate 11, thoughtful of others 13, think
r people 15, respectful 20; 
y 1; 
s 5, kind 1. 
eserved 1. 
e offered to answer the following questions: 
tion with the word «politeness»
aged 14 to 55 took part in the survey. The s
network in Russia. The following results were obt
tion with the word «politeness». 47 answers were give
ness in the minds of the Russian people is kindnes
he background in contrast with the speakers of E
that English politeness is oriented to others (dem
subject oriented and concentrates on the speaker a

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