4.L4 understand an increasing range of short supported
questions on general and some curricular topics
4.S2 ask questions to find out about present and possibly past experiences on an increasing range of general and some
curricular topics
4.UE15 use would you like to to invite and use appropriate
responses yes please, no thanks use let’s + verb, verbs go, enjoy, like + verb + ing, begin use infinitive of purpose to describe simple actions and verbs want, start + infinitive, usae declarative what + adjective+ noun to show fellings
Traditional stories 1`
4.L8 understand short, supported narratives on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.W7 spell most familiar high- frequency words accurately when writing independently
Traditional stories 2
4.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects
on a limited range of general and some curricular topics begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.W1 plan, write and check sentences with support on a
range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics
4.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns including indirect object pronouns and use possessive pronouns mine, yours, to give personal information and describe actions and events
Traditional stories SA2
4.S4 respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.W1 plan, write and check sentences with support on a
range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics
4.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some
common irregular plural and uncountable nouns,
possessive forms ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things
People and places
4.L5 identify initial, middle and final phonemes and blends 4.L8 understand short, supported narratives on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
contextual clues
4.W2 begin to use joined up handwriting in a limited range of written work
4.UE3 use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a
growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things use simple one- syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative form] to make comparisons
Dragons and creatures 1
SA for unit
4.S4 respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.W7 spell most familiar high- frequency words accurately when writing independently
4.UE15 use would you like to to invite and use appropriate
responses yes please, no thanks use let’s + verb, verbs go, enjoy, like + verb + ing, begin use infinitive of purpose to describe simple actions and verbs want, start + infinitive, usae declarative what + adjective+ noun to show fellings
4.R3 recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.W4 write with support a sequence short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information
4.UE15 use would you like to to invite and use appropriate
responses yes please, no thanks use let’s + verb, verbs go, enjoy, like + verb + ing, begin use infinitive of purpose to describe simple actions and verbs want, start + infinitive, usae declarative what + adjective+ noun to show fellings