Cognitive concepts of modern Kazakh poetry The article highlights the cognitive concepts of modern Kazakh poetry, defines philosophical knowl-
edge, psychological attitude and aesthetic thoughts of the poet. Coded picturesin the poet’s mind are
also studied and the meanings of poetic subtexts are revealed. The authors analyzed the works of E.
Raushanov, M. Raiymbekuly, and J. Eleusiz, where guided by the concepts of cognitivism and mani-
fested cognitive aspects in poetry.
In contemporary Kazakh poetry, in matters of cognition, all the manifestations that appear in con-
sciousness, through linguistics personalities, make up a number of cognitive concepts. The conceptual
features of the intention and meaning considered separately, and the features of encoded concepts in
the poet’s mind are studied. The signs of postmodernism in the poetry of modern poets appear with
different details, and the structure of the poem has changed completely. The significant meaning and
idea of the author, which wants to convey to the reader, is transmitted in a different way. The for-
mation of linguistic units in poetry in form led to a discovery in modern literature. The frequent use
of cognitive concepts and the ability of authors to convey ideas in a different form are common in
modern poetry. Especially, in the process of development of modern Kazakh poetry, both prose and
poetry are full of innovative searches. The article deals with these problems of modern Kazakh poetry,
analyzes the work of modern poets.
Key words: cognitivism, concept, metaphysical concept, language model, aesthetic thought.
Қазіргі қазақ поэзиясындағы когнитивтік ұғымдар
А.К. Жутаева, С.Б. Ержанова
Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы,