Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university хабаршы «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы, Серия «Специальная педагогика»

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Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы №1(64),2021 ж. 
With the right choice of the program and a competent method of working with it, multimedia 
technologies guarantee the reliability of the teacher, and when using them: 
- improving the effectiveness of the quality of education; 
- focus on modern learning goals; 
- the use of the interconnected teaching different kinds of activities; 
- improving the quality of visibility; 
- ability to find the main and additional material for classes; 
- increasing the cognitive activity of the student [9; 324]. 
One of the advantages of using multimedia tools is that they help to optimize the system of control and 
self-control, thereby facilitating the work of the teacher, as well as developing the independence of students. 
With the help of computer tests, students have the opportunity to independently monitor the level of 
assimilation of the studied material and, if necessary, repeat it. 
The integration of multimedia tools in the educational process helps to save the cost of materials by 
teachers and educational institutions. Thanks to the advent of computerized classrooms, multimedia tools, 
interactive whiteboards and other multimedia tools, the need for printed publications and additional handouts 
is reduced. 
It should be noted that the introduction of multimedia technologies in the educational process can be 
both positive (contribute to the effectiveness of learning) and negative(in the case of incorrect or 
inappropriate use of multimedia tools). The introduction of multimedia tools in the educational process is 
divided into two possible areas. The first of them is related to the fact that such tools are introduced into the 
educational process as "auxiliary" tools within the framework of traditional methods of the education system 
.In this case, multimedia resources act as a means of improving the educational process, individualizing 
training and partially automating the work of teachers related to the accounting, measurement and evaluation 
of students ' knowledge. 
The introduction of multimedia resources in the second direction will lead to a change in the content of 
education, a revision of the methods and forms of organizing the educational process, the creation of holistic 
courses based on the use of the content content of resources in individual academic disciplines. In this case, 
knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as a goal, as a means of developing the student's personality. 
When using multimedia tools in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, it is advisable to 
introduce them not as the main, but as "auxiliary" ones, after all, the specifics of teaching a foreign language 
presuppose the crucial role of the teacher, who is not only the manager of the learning process, but also a 
direct participant in it. 
The most accessible multimedia tools are an electronic textbook and various training programs-tools. 
According to the form of organization and the method of delivery to the student, multimedia textbooks can 
be divided into three types: 
1) with or without CD-ROM printing application; 
2) internet sites have or do not have a printing application; 
3) on a CD-ROM, but connected to some internet sites, with or without a printing application[10]. 
Working with foreign language programs in a computer class helps students overcome psychological 
barriers. When students see a graphic image or pictures on a computer screen, they better perceive and 
assimilate new material. The material set in the program allows you to achieve the following methodological 
tasks (for example, when reading and fixing new English words): 
1) formation and consolidation of the ability to recognize the meaning of a word; 
2) formation of motor skills of writing the specified word; 
3) fixing the visual image of the processed material. Thus, through educational programs can 
significantly change approaches to management of educational activity to specifically control the element of 
competition involved in student activities, to individualize learning, thereby increasing the quality of 
education. [11; 99] 

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