Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(52), 2016 ж.
recreational resources of health-improving tourism is the necessary prerequisite for optimization of environmental
management and development of resort business. Division into districts for the purpose of comparison of recreational
capacity of districts was made after carrying out an assessment of natural recreational resources of several regions of
Kakhastan for these purposes.20 hydromineral areas for an assessment of their recreational appeal and a possibility of
development of health-improving tourism are allocatedduring the analysis of balneological and climatic resources in
these regions.The schematic map of natural recreational resources of Kazakhstan was made on the basis of the made
analyses.Besides, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of recreational resources of hydromineral areas were
provided.As a result, the hydromineral regions of Kazakhstan were grouped on 4 groups according to very high and
high, average and low recreational potential.The presented results of research will allow to define the problems
interfering development of the sphere of health-improving tourism and to formulate offers on development of the
concrete areas with a high health-improving potential but low-developed from the point of view of social and economic
recreational resources.
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