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I feel highly indebted to Prof. Gulmira Madieva, Chair of General Linguistics, for her invitation and 

hospitality. It was a great pleasure to discuss various topics with the students and teachers.

From Russian into English.

* * *

Peter Enders


(Dedicated to the 75th birthday of Werner Ebeling)

Physics has got a huge experience in applying 

mathematics and philosophy to science. This can, 

should and has been exploited by other branches, 

in particular, linguistics, as shown by means of few 

examples. The defi ciencies of simple Markov chains 

for characterizing texts are proposed to be overcome 

using correlated Markov chains. Texts of natural 

languages are considered to result from phonetic 

processes rather than to be just static sequences of 

characters. This allows to exploit the relationship 

between Markov chains and Huygens’ principle (both 

being much more widely applicable than originally 



In 2011, the new president of the Academy of 

German Language, Heinrich Detering (*1959) has 

announced, that the academy shall be more concerned 

with social issues. Moreover, not only poets, scholars 

of literature and critics, but also other experts, such as 

jurists, scientists, health professionals and historians 

should become members and care for the German 

language. In such a spirit of the unity of science 

– including the Humboldtian ideal of universal 

education – a series of lectures on ‘Science – Language 

– Society’ were held at the Faculty of Philology of the 

Kazakh National Al Farabi University, Almaty.

Why to invite a physicist to give such lectures? 


  R. W. V. Elliott, Isaac Newton’s ‘Of an Universal 

Language’, Mod. Lang. Rev. LII (1957) 1-18; jstor.org/



  R. W. V. Elliott, Isaac Newton as Phonetician, Mod. 

Lang. Rev. XLIX (1954) 5-12; jstor.org/stable/3718012

Due to its experience in methodology in a broader 

sense, physics is particularly able to support that 

approach. To illustrate this, let me mention the 

activities of few scholars, which are closely related 

to physics.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), the founder 

of modern physics, was among the fi rst to publish 

not in Latin, but in her mother tongue. This made 

science accessible to the common reader. He stressed 

the role of the notions. “Names and attributes must 

be accommodated to the essence of things, and not 

essences to names; for things come fi rst, and names 

afterward.” (1613) “If the opinions of philosophers, 

and their words, have the power to call into existence 

the things they consider and name, why then I beg 

them the favor of their considering and naming „gold“ 

a lot of old hardware I have about the house.” (1623)

Isaac Newton (1642-1727), the founder of 

modern classical mechanics, aimed at a universal 



 and did phonetic studies



 Михаил  Васильевич  Ломоносов (1711-

1765), being perhaps most famous for his many 

Абай институтының хабаршысы. №6 (12), 2011


milestone contributions to science and technics, 

was also a practitioner and theoretician of Russian 


 Thomas Young (1773-1829), “the last man 

who knew everything”


, is famous for his pioneering 

contributions to optics, elasticity, vision and color 

theory, liquids, medicine, music, and languages 

(proposal of a universal phonetic alphabet, coining 

the term ‘Indo-European’ languages, basic results on 

the Egyptian hieroglyphs).

 Андрей  Андреевич  Марков (1856-1922) 

has applied his new formalism


 – now known as 

Markov chains-to the statistics of letters in «Евгений 

Онегин»  Пушкина (1799-1837)


 and other texts


This was highly welcomed by Роман  Осипович 

Якобсон (1896-1982), Андрей Белый (Борис Нико-

лаевич Бугаев, 1880-1934) and others, who sought 

for an objective characterization and evaluation of 

literature. Generally speaking, however, one should 

not forget, that mathematics deals with mathematical 

structures, while the content of them comes from 

linguistics (physics, biology...).

 Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001), the 

father of information theory, has analyzed the English 

language by means of simple schemes and models, 

including Markov chains


 Gell-Mann (*1929) & Ruhlen (*1944), both at 

the Santa Fe Institute (santafe.edu), have investigated 

the ordering of subject (S), verb (V), and object (O) 

in 2011 (!) languages


. They also note that three 

lines of evidence – from genetics, archaeology, and 

linguistics – all indicate that humans suddenly started 

using sophisticated tools and making objects of art 

around 50,000 years ago. They second the conjecture 

that this was connected with the appearance of fully 

modern human language.

Application of Markov chains in linguistics

Despite of the simplicity of Markov chains (see 

below), they have infl uenced various developments, 




in the 1940-ies: Jan Mukaшovskэ (1891-1975) 

and the Chech structuralists;

 in the 1950-ies: Pierre Guiraud (1912-1983) 

and the French mathematical linguistics;

 in the 1960/1970-ies: Andrei Kolmogorov 

(1903-1987), Wilhelm Fucks (1902-1990), Roman 

Jakobson and the information-theoretically resp. 

semiotically founded theory of the science of poetry, 

the concrete (visual, auditive) poetry in Germany, 

ИSSR and Brazil as well as in L’Ouvroir de Littйrature 

Potentielle (Oulipo; founder members, among others: 

the poet and philosopher of science Jean Lescure 

(1912-2005) and the mathematically experienced 

chess expert Franзois Le Lionnais (1901-1984)).

More sophisticated statistical methods have been 

exploited in a still ongoing project, which is sketched 


Deciphering and Representing Mesopotamian 

Texts Using Statistical Methods

The texts on Mesopotamian clay tablets (ca. 3000 

BC) contain calculations with apparent contradictions, 

the reasons of which were not known. Were there 

errors in the calculations?

In 1983, the mathematician Peter Damerow 

(1939-2011), the archaeologist Hans Jцrg Nissen 

(*1935) and the orientalist Robert K. Englund 

(*1952) have chosen a novel approach. They have not 

analyzed the texts on single tablets, but on 5000 (!) 

tablets – using computers, of course. They obtained 

two crucial results:


  A.Robinson, The Last Man Who Knew Everything: 

Thomas Young, the Anonymous Genius who Proved Newton 

Wrong and Deciphered the Rosetta Stone, among Other 

Surprising Feats, Penguin 2007


    Распространение  закона  больших  чисел  на  вели-

чины, зависящие друг от друга, Изв. Физ.-мат. общ. Каз. 

унив. [2] 15 (1906) 135–156; Engl.: Extension of the limit 

theorems of probability theory to a sum of variables connected 

in a chain, in: R. Howard, Dynamic Probabilistic Systems, 

Vol.1: Markov Chains, Wiley 1971, Appendix B


  An Example of Statistical Investigation of the Text 

Eugene Onegin Concerning the Connection of Samples in 

Chains, Science in Context 19.4 (2006) 591–600; journals.




  See also Berechenbare Kьnste. Mathematik, Poesie, 

Moderne, Berlin/Zьrich: Diaphanes 2007; F. P. Ingold, 

Markows vergessener Beitrag zur quantitativen Textlinguistik, 

Recherche, 2009; recherche-online.net/andrej-markow.html; 

the web site Markov transition matrix for a verse (antonalexeev.

hop.ru/markov/index.html) shows why a simple statistics of 

letters is not suffi cient for describing a natural language.


  A mathematical theory of communication, Bell System 

Techn. J. 27 (1948) 379-423, 623-656; notice the publication 

of that and other fundamental papers in an industrial journal!


  M. Gell-Mann & M. Ruhlen, The origin and evolution 

of word order; after Charles Day, blogs.physicstoday.org/




  F. P. Ingold, Mathematik und Poesie. Andrej A. 

Markows vergessener Beitrag zur quantitativen Textlinguistik, 

Recherche, 2009; recherche-online.net/andrej-markow.html

Абай институтының хабаршысы.  №6 (12), 2011


1.  The texts are not just the written form of a 

spoken language, but document administrative and 

accounting activities;

2.  Different number systems were used for 

different tasks or objects (goods sold on the market 

place) to be counted.

Today, the internet plattform ‘Cuneiform Digital 

Library Initiative’ (CDLI) dipicts and describes tens 

of thousends of clay tablets with cuneiform writing. 

New 3D photograph and processing techniques 

are employed. A complete archive is aimed at – 

not meeting the support of those, who wish fi rst to 

decipher their tablets on their own...


Simple Markov Chains and Linguistics

A simple Markov chain-as considered by 

Markov – describes a (simple) Markov process, ie, a 

random process, where the future is determined only 

by the present and not by the past. It is given by a 

vector, z(0), describing the initial state and so-called 

transition matrices, P(k+1,k), connecting the states k 

and k+1; z(1)=P(1,0)·z(0); z(2)=P(2,1)·z(1) etc. k is 

the process, or discrete time variable. The values of 

P(k+1,k) are determined by the underlying process.

In view of this mathematical simplicity, the wide 

applicability of Markov chains is rather astonishing. 

In linguistics, z is not a state vector, but the set of 

characters included, eg


for 7-bit ASCII


.  P is considered not to be 

determined by an underlying process; the step 

number,  k, has no meaning. For a given text, the 

matrix element Pij counts how often the character 

zi follows the character zj. For instance, within 7-bit 

ASCII, P97,101 equals the number of the sequence 

‘ea’ as in ‘real’ and ‘meat’



This example suggests, that the immediate 

sequence of characters might be too simple a mean 

for characterizing a text.

Correlated Markov Chains and Linguistics

A correlated Markov chain contains some 

infl uence of the past. In other words, two subsequent 

steps–say, from k to k+1 and from k+1 to k+2–are not 

independent, but correlated. Thus,


  For a more detailed account, see K. Vaillant, E. Fesseler, 

Ideen, tдglich: Wissenschaft in Berlin, Berlin: Nicolai, 2010, 

S. 138-151; damerow.mpiwg.de/pdf/ideen_138-151.pdf


  See, eg, asciitable.com/; 7-bit means 27=128 characters

z(2) = P(2,1)·z(1) + Q(2,0)·z(0)

In linguistics, again, Q is considered not to be 

determined by a process, but by the text. The matrix 

element Qij counts how often the character zi is the 

second character after the character zj

Staying with 7-bit ASCII, Q97,101 equals the 

number of the sequence ‘e?a’, where ’?’ means any 

other letter (wildcard), as in ‘legal’ and ‘meat’. 

Actually, the frequencies of sequences of three and 

more letters are investigated. This transcends Markov 

processes, because the corresponding relation,

z(2) = R(2,1,0)·z(1):z(0)

is non-linear.

In what follows I will assume that there are texts 

that can be characterized by Markov chains.

Defi nition:  A text is called a n-step Markov text, 

if it can be characterized by a n-step Markov chain



For the natural languages I pose the following

Hypothesis: There is some ‘mechanism’ behind 

the natural languages, because they are conditioned 

by phonetic processes.


The natural languages can be 

characterized by (correlated) Markov chains.

Of course, this has far reaching consequences for 

the statistical characterization of texts. In particular, 

there are no single quantities that account for the 

words, egR101,97,116 for ‘eat’


. For not the static 

result of a text is taken as basis, but the building of 

words during speech.

Some of these chains are distinguished as will be 

outlined next.

Simple Markov Chains and Huygens’ Principle

There is a physical principle that—like Markov 

Chains — looks rather special, but is much more 

widely applicable than fi rst intended, viz, Huygens’ 



. It has been formulated by Christiaan 

Huygens (1629-1695) fi rst for mechanics and later 

for optics (where it is best known). Shortly, every 

point to which light reaches becomes the source 


 Analogously to the famous question “Can one hear the 

shape of a drum?” by Mark Kac (1914-1984), one may ask, 

can one reconstruct a text from its (Markovian) transition 



  More exactly, R32,101,97,116,y, where ‘y’ stays for 

‘space’ or a punctuation mark.


 Cf K. Simonyi, A Cultural History of Physics, Peters/

CRC Press 2012; for a recent review, see P. Enders, Huygens’ 

principle as universal model of propagation, Latin Am. J. 

Phys. Educ. 3 (2009) 19-32

Абай институтының хабаршысы. №6 (12), 2011


of a secondary wave, and the superposition of all 

secondary wave(let)s yields the same light wave as 

the original source.

The validity of Huygens’ principle for Markov 

chains has long been known. Richard Feynman 

(1918-1988) has used this relationship in his famous 

path integral formulation of quantum mechanics



Thus, for simple Markov chains we have

 z(k+m) = P(k+m,k+m-1)·P(k+m-1,k+m-


Each matrix corresponds to the propagation from 

one to the next wave front; each matrix multiplication 

corresponds to the summation over the secondary 

wavelets. For this, the matrices, P, are Huygens 


The  k-step transition function, G(k+m,k): 

z(k+m)=G(k+m,kz(k), is a Green’s function


. Since 

it is a product of single-step transition matrices, 

P(k+1,k), it obeys the equation

G(k+m,k) = G(k+m,k+lG(k+l,k); 0 ≤ l ≤ k

This is one form of the Chapman-Kolmogorov 



. It represents the most general mathematical 

expression of Huygens’ principle


. For this, a Green’s 

function obeying the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation 

is also called a Huygens propagator; it propagates the 

system under consideration from state z(k) to state 


Conjecture: The broad success of Markov chains 

is due to the fact, that Huygens’ principle holds true 

for them.

Thus, in what follows, generalizations of Markov 

chains are proposed, which use Huygens’ principle as 

Ariadnian thread.

Proper Huygens Propagators. Markov-Huygens 


As mentioned above, correlated Markov chains 

contain to a two-step ‘equation of motion’,

z(k+1) = P(k+1,kz(k) + Q(k+1,k-1)·z(k-1)

(or even higher-order ‘evolution laws’). In contrast 

to the original, single-step Markov chain, the state z(k+1) 


  R. P. Feynman, Space-Time Approach to Non-Relati-


tic Quantum Mechanics, Rev. Mod. Phys. 20 (1948) 

367-387; reprint in: J. Schwinger (Ed.), Selected Papers on 

Quantum Electrodynamics, New York: Dover 1958, No.27


  After George Green (1793-1841)


  After Андрей Николаевич Колмогоров (1903-1987) 

and Sydney Chapman (1888-1970)


  P. Enders, Huygens' Principle and the Modelling of 

Propagation, Eur. J. Phys. 17 (1996) 226-235

is immediately connected not only with state z(k), but 

also with state z(k-1) (correlation). This doubles not only 

the set of independent dynamical variables from {z(0)} 

to {z(0), z(1)}, but allows for a more complex dynamics 

due to the new transition matrices, Q.

Now, in general, the Green’s function of a two-step 

difference equation is not a Huygens propagator


. To 

obtain a Huygens propagator, one hase to decompose 

that difference equation of second order into two 

coupled difference equation of fi rst order. 

For example, analogously to d’Alembert’s (1717-

1783) solution to the one-dimensional wave equation, 

one may try to set

z(k) = r(k) + l(k)

where, in some situations, r and l represent right- 

and left-going quantities (pulses, waves), respectively. 

They are connected through one-step equations of 

motion like

r(k+1) = Rrr(k+1,kr(k) + Rrl(k+1,kl(k)

l(k+1) = Rlr(k+1,kr(k) + Rll(k+1,kl(k)

The Green’s function of this set of equations (in 

terms of r and l, it is a 2Ч2 matrix), Ĝ, is a Huygens 



Moreover, this set of one-step equations is equi-

valent to the two-step equation of motion for z(k), if

P(k+1,k) = Rrr(k+1,k) + Rrl(k+1,kRll(k,k-


 = Rll(k+1,k) + Rlr(k+1,kRrr(k,k-



Q(k+1,k-1) = Rrl(k+1,kRlr(k,k-1) – 


 = Rlr(k+1,kRrl(k,k-1) – Rlr(k+1,kRrr(k,k-


In this case, that matrix Green’s function, Ĝ

obeys the two-step equation of motion for z(k), too.

Ĝ2 = P·Ĝ + Q

By virtue of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem


, this 

is the eigenvalue equation for Ĝ. Its solution yields a 

set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 

Now, the set of eigenvalues, the spectrum, is a 

crucial characteristic of Ĝ. According to Leonhard 


  Cf the well-known fact, that the Green’s function of the 

wave equation is not a Huygens propagator as it does not obey 

the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation.


  In this context, it is always understood, that the same 

boundary conditions are fulfi lled.


  After Arthur Cayley (1821-1895) and William Rowan 

Hamilton (1805-1865)

Абай институтының хабаршысы.  №6 (12), 2011


Euler (1707-1783)


, such a particular meaning 

deserves a particular notion. 

Defi nition: A Huygens propagator is called 

proper, or irreducible, if it obeys the single higher-

order equation of motion, too.

Defi nition:  A Markov chain, the Green’s function 

of which is a Huygens propagator, is called a Markov-

Huygens chain

Obviously, all simple Markov chains are Markov-

Huygens chains.

I thus arrive at the following


For propagation(-like) processes, 

the relevant Markov chains are the Markov-Huygens 


Proper Huygens Propagators and Linguistics

The modeling of the phonetic aspects of a text 

by means of Markov-Huygens chains represents an 

extremely high degree of abstraction


. Nevertheless, 

let us assume that a text can be described by Markov-

Huygens chains with various numbers of steps. Since 

a detailed investigation of concrete texts is beyond 

the scope of this series of lectures, let me propose the 


Conjecture: The complexity of a text is measured 

by the minimum number of steps of a Markov-

Huygens chain that is necessary for uniquely charac-

terizing it.


  L. Euler, Anleitung zur Naturlehre worin die Grьnde zur 

Erklдrung aller in der Natur sich ereignenden Begebenheiten 

und Verдnderungen festgesetzet werden, ca. 1750; in: Opera 

Omnia, III, 1, pp.17-178; Opera posthuma 2, 1862, pp.449-

560 (Enestrцm 842; http://www.math.dartmouth.edu/~euler/



 It is comparable, possibly, with that in 1963 Edward 

Norton Lorenz’s (1917-2008) set of just three ordinary 

differential equations of fi rst order for modeling the weathe–

unintentionally, this approach has initiated the modern chaos 


This suggests the following

Defi nition: A language is not redundant, if 

all meaningful sentences of it exhibit a unique 


Of course, redundancy is a necessary characte-

ristics of natural languages. 


Physics is the most experienced science what 

concerns, (i), the development of methodology, 

in particular, the application of mathematics, and, 

(ii), the philosophical and social analysis. This can 

and should be exploited by other sciences. Physics, 

however, cannot judge about the content of other 

sciences, such as the style of literary texts. This limits 

its support of linguistics in such areas as literary 

translations. In the fi eld of statistical analysis of texts

the development of new ideas and methods within 

physics may well benefi t mathematical linguistics, 

too. Here, our results on Huygens’ principle are 

proposed to be checked for applicability.

Markov chains have also been applied for 

compose and modeling music and identifying 



. This suggests linguistics to inspect 

musicology w.r.t. the application of mathematical and 

physical methods.



  Y.-W. Liu & E. Selfridge-Field, Modeling music as 

Markov chains—composer identifi cation, Music 254 Final 

Report, 10 June 2002, Center for Computer Research in 

Music and Acoustics, Stanford University; https://ccrma.

stanford.edu/~jacobliu/254report/; Ch. Dodge & Th. A. Jerse, 

Computer Music - Synthesis, Composition, and Performance, 

Schirmer 2nd 1997

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