Абай қҰнанбаевтың Әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың КӨЗҚарасы

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, where there is no concretization of time and 
place of performance, and songs are presented by means of information technologies, and 

in which the above concretization takes place, i.e. the song is performed at a specific place at a 
specific time. 
The performer, author, and listener are considered to be participants in song discourse which 
are usually characterized by differences in age and status-role parameters. The author and the 
performer of a song can be and often are represented by the same persons. In such cases, they 
are called singer-songwriters. 
The goals of song discourse include the following: conveying to the listener the author's 
ideas, his intentions, thoughts, providing an emotional impact on the listener, shaping his 
worldview, social position, attitude to the world around him, value orientations, etc. 
The values reflected by the author in his work can take various forms varying from positive 
(peace, love, kindness, friendship, freedom, etc.) to destructive (hatred, cruelty, anger, contempt, 
The functions of song discourse were described in the study by L.G. Dunyasheva [4], dedicated to 
the topic we are considering. She describes the following functions: (1) 
, which expresses the 
author's assessment and attitude to the subject of the message; (2) 
, whose purpose is to 
influence the addressee by means of a message; (3) 
, which consists in the transfer of 
substantive and factual information from the sender to the recipient; (4) 
, fulfilling an aesthetic 
role and regulating the use of means inherent in poetry in a song in order to give it imagery and 
originality; (5) 
, aimed at maintaining communication, performed through the use of various 
linguistic means, indicating the dialogic nature of communication. 
Musicologist Bisenova G.N. subjected the composer's musical heritage to a special scientific 
study. Based on the analysis of individual songs, the most popular among the public, she gave a 
general characteristic to the work of Qunanbaiuly, and also determined the stylistic origins of his 
works both in Kazakh folk song and in expressive melodies of Russian tunes. Her research was 
based on archival materials and testimonies of close relatives of the poet, singers and writers. 
And she also notes that such a synthesis led to "the unification of these sources into a deeply 
national whole and thereby enriched the Kazakh folk genus." [5, p. 11] 
The melodies of Abai's songs, according to the most widespread opinion, were intended for 
assimilation and memorization of new poetic sizes, rhymes and stanza forms introduced by Abai 
into Kazakh versification. Although this does not fully explain the reasons for the appearance of 
Abai's songs (since it was not only in the form of the verse, but also in what the poet wanted to 
say in his poems), it should not be ignored in silence. First of all, we should mention the 
wonderful song "Segiz-ayak". Before Abai, the most common form of versification was eleven-
feet. The music of most composers of that time matched many texts. Abai's songs are deprived 
of such freedom. “Segiz-ayak”, for example, cannot be sung to the tune of the song “You are the 
pupil of my eyes”. We first meet such an indissoluble unity of text and music, words and melody 
in Abai. Abai's songs are characterized by the stability of the text. This was a new phenomenon 
in songwriting. Abai came to music, to songs from poetry, from text. This is especially 
noticeable in his first songs "The bird of the soul rushes upward" and "I saw how the birch fell." 
Elements of originality are already visible in these songs. In the foreground, Abai put the lyrics 
of songs, without going beyond the intonation of Kazakh music. 

«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция 
Abai's translations from "Eugene Onegin" entered the Kazakh folk song tradition as a popular 
material. At wedding parties, Kazakh girls and boys arranged song competitions among 
themselves, using the material of the monologues of Tatyana and Onegin for this. Old singers 
also sang "Tatiana's Letter". 
In the subject of Abai's song lyrics, a significant place is occupied by lyrics, which, in addition to 
the above-mentioned translations from Eugene Onegin, consist of love songs, descriptions of nature 
and songs with a civil theme - reflections on the phenomena of life, instruction, morality. 
It is important for us not only to what extent Abai's songs reflect the style of the Kazakh folk 
song and contain the development of this style and its enrichment with the style of Russian 
democratic songwriting. The most significant for us is how popular they are among the Kazakh 
people and how they are accepted. And here we must say that they enjoy exceptional love 
among the Kazakh people. Diverse in genres, rich in content, simple and intelligible in melody 
and in form, they became widely popular among the Kazakh masses. Thanks to this, his musical 
heritage has come down to us, which was a very significant contribution to the development of 
musical culture. And it is no coincidence that akyns, professional singers and amateur singers of 
both the older generation and young people sing Abai's songs, keep them in their memory. 
It is not without reason that his works are considered national, spiritual wealth, the pride of 
the Kazakh people, the property of all Turkic-speaking peoples. Recognition of his talent and 
services to all mankind was the declaration of 1995 by UNESCO - the year of Abai all over the 
world. The solemn celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Abai Qunanbaiuly was 
the first jubilee event for the literature and culture of Kazakhstan, which was held under the 
auspices of UNESCO. And the fact that in 2020 we are celebrating his 175th anniversary is 
nothing short of another confirmation of the significance and majesty of the great Abai. 
URL: https://kazpravda.kz/en/news/president/rk-presidents-decree-on-celebrating-the-
Красных В.В., Этнопсихолингвистика и лингвокультурология. Лекционный курс. М.: 
Гнозис, 2002. – 136-150 с. 
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Юрий Евгеньевич. – Самара, 2005. – 147, 183 с. 
Дуняшева, Л. Г. Песенный дискурс как объект изучения лингвокультурологии / Л. Г. 
Дуняшева // Актуальные проблемы романских языков и современные методики их 
преподавания: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (22-23 
октября 2015 года). –Казань, 2015. –С. 190-197 
Бисенова Г.Н. Автореферат канд.диссерт.-А-Ата, 1966.-С.19; 

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