Английский язык для экономистов

Соотнесите слова и их определения

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5. Соотнесите слова и их определения.

1. demand

a. a period or process in which business activity is reduced and conditions become worse

2. downturn

b. the people looking for work and the jobs that are available at that time

3. labour market

c. the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services

4. consensus

d. the amount of money you have to pay for something

5. price

e. an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts

6. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

1. покупательская способность

6. товары и услуги

2. ликвидность

7. уровень цен

3. темпы инфляции

8. инвестиции и свободный капитал

4. дефицит товаров

9. спад деловой активности

5. индекс потребительских цен

10. гиперинфляция

7. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. mainstream economists

6. goods and services

2. money supply

7. labour market

3. capital projects

8. scarcity

4. wage inflation

9. percentage

5. banking reserve requirements

10. fluctuations in real demand

8. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. ……….. is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services.

a) wage inflation b) recession c) inflation

2. High rates of inflation are caused by an excessive growth of the …………

a) labour market b) money supply c) scarcity

3. The task of keeping the rate of inflation low and stable is usually given to …………..

a) monetary policy b) mainstream economists c) monetary authorities

4. Low or moderate inflation may be attributed to fluctuations in ………… for goods and services.

a) real demand b) wage inflation c) capital projects

5. Monetary authorities are ………..

a) business owners b) mainstream economists c) central banks
9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is inflation?

2. What are positive and negative effects of inflation?
3. Why do most mainstream economists favor a low steady rate of inflation?
4. What authorities are engaged in keeping the rate of inflation low and stable?
5. What is the connection between inflation and unemployment?

Аудиторная работа

10. Назовите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив является определением, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. In some rural areas of the USA and Canada it is common practice to be employed on a farm and elsewhere at the same time.
2. When each unit of capital input costs £320 per week and each unit of labour input costs £300 per week, the cheapest way to produce 100 units of output is to use labour-intensive technology (трудоемкая технология).
3. The value of the total output to be produced in the public sector and the private sector will make up the gross national product.
4. We know the quantity of capital inputs to affect the total output.
5. Competing suppliers may maintain their prices at a low level to attract customers from a higher-price firm.
6. Imports may be raw materials for domestic production or the goods to be consumed directly by households, such as a Japanese television set or a bottle of French wine.
11. Переведите на русский язык предложения со словом there.

1. There may be a number of ways to solve the problem of scarce information resources.
2. There exists considerable unemployment in some economies while a lot of vacancies (вакансия, незанятое рабочее место) cannot be filled.
3. In the 1980s, there continued a rise in the GNP per person in all groups of countries.
4. Since government intervention in agriculture has grown, there have occurred considerable changes in grain markets both of the USA and Europe.
5. There is a large amount of economic activity that cannot be measured, such as household services and the underground economy.
6. There exists close (тесная) relationship between minimum wages and standard of living.
7. If there is a subsidy for housing, there may be an incentive for the landowner to transfer land from farming to housing.
8. There is unequal (неравный) income distribution within each country as well as between (different) countries.
12. Найдите среди английских словосочетаний эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

амортизация фондов, обложение собственности налогом, экономика в целом, отечественное производство, существующие фонды, средняя заработная плата, средняя семья, крупная собственность, собственность за рубежом
existing assets, fiscal policy, to replace assets, taxation of assets abroad, property taxation, depreciation measure, depreciation of assets, circular flow of payments, average household, household spending, taxes imposed on households, home production, property abroad, economy as a whole, average wage, domestic production rather than production abroad, household property, domestic production, considerable property
13. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов.

1. The (measure / way) in which the European Union's statistical system is adapting to requirements of the 21st century is of importance both inside and outside the European Union.
2. The marginal product of labour is how much each extra worker (adds to /makes up) total output.
3. In a dynamic political society old statistic systems have to be (replaced / determined) by new ones.
4. If a person can do what he wishes with his own (property / output), time, and energy, then economists say that he is economically free.
5. The price of a good in a market is (determined / measured) by the law of demand and supply
6. (Gross/aggregate) demand is the total amount of (spending/ depreciation) on (final / domestic) goods and services.
7. You and your family have an annual (годовой) income which allows you to consume various goods and services, live in a particular neighbourhood (район) and maintain a certain (standard of living/fiscal policy).

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