Английский язык для экономистов

Соотнесите слова и их определения

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6. Соотнесите слова и их определения.

1. interest rate

a. the number of people in a particular country or area who cannot get a job

2. unemployment

b. the percentage charged by a bank etc. when you borrow money or paid to you by a bank when you keep money in an account there

3. currency

c. a continuing increase in prices

4. inflation

d. the value of the money of one country compared to the money of another country

5. exchange rate

e. the system or type of money that a country uses

7. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

1. денежная политика

6. экономический рост

2. казначейский вексель

7. Федер. резервная система

3. облигация

8. обменный курс

4. деньги в обращении

9. Бреттонвудская валютная система

5. валютная корзина

10. налогово-бюджетная политика

8. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. federal funds rate

6. borrow

2. open market operations

7. lend

3. central banks

8. to combat inflation

4. money supply

9. decreases the interest rate

5. gold standard

10. to issue currency

9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. ……… rests on the relationship between the rates of interest in an economy.

a) Bretton Woods system b) fiscal policy c) monetary policy

2. At the beginning monetary policy was used to maintain ………...

a) foreign policy b) national currency c) gold standard

3. Monetary policy has generally been formed separately from …………..

a) fiscal policy b) federal funds c) Federal Reserve System

4. The primary tool of monetary policy is …………….

a) central bank b) open market operations c) interest rate

5. Open market operations entail managing the quantity of …………. through the buying and selling of various financial instruments.

a) banks b) federal funds c) money in circulation

10. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is monetary policy?

2. What tools does monetary policy use?
3. What is contractionary policy?
4. What is central bank?
5. What is the primary tool of monetary policy?

 Аудиторная работа
11. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значения слова it. Укажите номера предложений, в которых it не переводится.

1. In principle, it is possible, but in practice, it is very inefficient to control the output of cars changing the incomes of potential buyers and manipulating transport costs. It is easier to control the output of cars controlling the availability of raw materials, for example steel, to manufacturers.
2. Firms can either save (копить, накапливать) their income or pay it out to their owners.
3. It is common practice to include all the more or less durable means of production, such as land, buildings and machinery in fixed capital.
4. Early economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo said that the value of product depended upon the amount of labour needed to produce it.
5. In comparing national incomes (in total and per person) it is not important which members of the population earn this income, in analyzing incomes within a country, it is important.
12. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значения слова one.

1. One thing in which workers are different is human capital.
2. Many people who do not get a new job after quitting (оставлять) the old one often leave the labour force to return to school, to work in a family garden, or for other purposes.
3. Everyone can find himself in one of three situations: employed, or unemployed, or out of the labour force.
4. One can be more economical buying large quantities of a good rather than small quantities.
5. A worker in the United Kingdom earns more than the one in India
6. One should know that present-day economists, unlike economists of the 19th century; include land in capital.
7. One has to replace inputs used up in one production cycle.
8. If, with a change of price, the supply increases by less than one per cent, it is called inelastic.
9. One defines (определять) efficiency as the relationship between factor inputs and output of goods and services.
10. One calls a consumer good such as a television, which is used over long periods of time rather than immediately, a durable good.
13. Определите, в каких предложениях оборот for + существительное + инфинитив является обстоятельством цели.
1. Simplified (упрощенные) models of economic units are used in macroeconomics analysis for an economist to be able to study various relationships within the economy
2. For the business to be efficient, all production costs have to be minimised.
3. It is important for every manager to know labour efficiency in his enterprise.
4. For statistical systems to meet the requirements of dynamic policies, they have to be constantly updated (обновлять).
5. If labour markets are inefficient, it is more difficult for a worker to find a job.
6. Agricultural production in poorer developing countries is so inefficient that almost everyone has to work on the land for enough food to be produced.
7. For the workers to spend less time in unemployment, high efficiency of labour markets is required.
14. Переведите предложения на русский язык и скажите, какие функции инфинитив выполняет в этих предложениях.
1. То produce goods and services firms use the following factors of production: workers' time, talents and knowledge, equipment, land, buildings.
2. To know the contribution of every industry to the national economy is very important for the government.
3. The government ought to take steps to reduce the unemployment rate.
4. The problem is that demands are practically limitless and the resources – natural resources, labour and capital – available at one time to produce goods and services are limited in supply.
5. To meet the requirements of a variety of potential users is the purpose of economic statistics.
6. Like physical capital, human capital is important enough to be an indicator of economic development of a nation.
7. To build atomic power stations near rivers is common practice as they require a lot of water for cooling (охлаждение).

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